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"My, what a mark..." Louis comments as he takes a glance at the highness's right cheek.

"I know."

"This would probably remain for a few hours.."

"I know"

"You don't have to worry about anything-"

"I. Know." he firmly presses for the third time.

Inspecting the mark the suspect had left on him after the heated argument over the two, he walked out on her and left herself all alone in the room.

The room wasn't just a room, it was the Queen's chambers. So she'd better not touch anything or snoop around like a cat. He'd know because he himself, cares and cleans after the room ever since her pass.

"What happened? Did you two argue? Did you hit her first?" Louis asks, bombarding him with questions.

"What? No, I'm not that lowly of a man to lay a finger on a woman! If anything, she hit me first!" He blames.

"And just what did you do to provoke her?"



Does he need to know about it? If he did, would he lose respect for me as his highness? There wasn't anything Louis missed during his childhood, every tantrum he threw and every tears he shed, Louise was there to witness it.

"Some words were thrown at each other...and she slapped me out of anger." he says. The look on his face seemed real and longing, so Louise didn't need to throw him another series of questions. His highness's temper wasn't always calm and collected, he knew that and he knew it wasn't something he could fully control all by himself.

"It looked like you went far with this one..." he sighs. He should've known better than to provoke her like that.

Now he looked like an imbecile.

"And where is she now?" The old man asks.

He took a moment and paused, zoning out. How was he going to tell him that he put her in his dear mothers chamber? No one ever knew that room was unlocked, they only heard it was said to be locked out, rotting and withering away for many many years. Although it was just a few feet away from their rooms, no one dared go inside it.

So for Louis to know about the unlocked chamber all this entire time, was he going to snitch on him? Disappointed rather?

"My Mother's bedroom."

"Pardon!? Why haven't I heard of this?" Louis almost spit out his own saliva .

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