Chapter 25: The way back home, Friend

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"MUNE!" Sohone shouted Inturrupting Anniki before he could show where he was. Turns out Sohone saw Mune as the Fog was starting to clear out the way from where he was fighting with King, though he noticed that the other side had gotten darker and looking through the fog he saw that Mune was now fearing for his life as King had attacked him.

"Quick, we have to help him before King gets to controlling him!" Anniki told, Running to him before getting stopped by Furren.

"We need a plan" Sohone said as the two looked at him, not knowing what it was they were going to do.

>>>with Mune & King>>>

"Aww~ what's wrong, scared?" King told coming close to Mune only for him to back away, weeping. King had found out that they are in dreamworld and in a dream you can do whatever you want, imagenating Mune having a broken arm, not remembering anything and fearing him like nightmares in the past.

"W- who are y- you? What do you w- want from me?" he weeped, not knowing what he was doing besides backing away as far as his boken arm could.

"Am your worst nightmare and i just want to have a little fun~" King told about jumping on him when Furren came and getting on top of him and forcing him to stay down, as Anniki and Sohone had the chance to get Mune.

"Mune! Are you alright?" Sohone asked getting on his knees to look at him, but Mune backed further away from him.

"Stay a- away from me! I dont know who you are!" Mune said, covering himself with his left arm crossed in front of his face.

Sohone was shocked to hear what he said, he himself didnt want to believe him, Anniki put his hand on Sohone shoulder then looked at King who was hissing at Furren to get off then back to Mune who was confused but whipping too.

"What did you do to him!?" Sohone asked angrily to King.

"Why should I tell you? It's all obvious~" King said.

"You better say it before I get your buttkicked!" Furren told, summoning a fireball.

"The hell? What happened?? Who is furren about to attack now???" Someone asked, the group looked at where the voice came and it was none other than Mune himself, Anniki helped him get up.

"MUNE!!" Sohone yelled running to him and hugging him, he didnt care about him burning Mune, it was dreamworld and anything could be possible after all.

"Wha- ACK!"

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU DUMB FAWN!" Sohone yelled, hitting the back of Mune's head while also tearing up.

"OW! What did I do? Why does- Ow! Ow, ow..." Mune asked, Feeling Pain in his arm before he could even rub the back of his head.

"You lost your memories and As King said it was pretty obvious, this is dreamworld, anything you think of can happen here, and I just Imaged you regaining your memories, Also looks like your arm broke when King imagined it" Anniki explained, Crossing both arms and imagination his arm healing from the broke fraction.

"Oh that explains, thanks by the way I don't feel pain anymore" Mune thanked, moving his arm around not feeling any pain anymore.

"So, um- what are we going to do about him?" Furren asked, looking at the group who were looking at King still having hatred in him.

"I know what to do, to get him out of corruption" Anniki said, coming close to King and Grabbing the necklace that he still had around his neck and placing it on the ground as he gave a signal to Furren.

"What are you doing? Wait- No, No, no, NO!" he yelled struggling to reach the necklace as Furren took out his Spear and smashed it into pieces letting out a flash of white light.

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