Chapter 6:The Grand Capture

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¨They found us! We need to run!¨Spleen said as he hid behind Glim.

¨Awww, while the mouse runs the cat will come and catch hand over that guardian...¨The corrupted guardian demanded.

¨No can do mate because we don't even know what you're talking about, Isn't that right king?¨Said Hugo trying to keep them away from him.

¨Not handing over the guardian I see, well I guess I didn't tell you that if I don't get what I want, then I'll get it myself¨ King had pointed his staff to mune which allowed him to activate his curse, Mune started to feel dizzy but also started to lose control of himself, Hugo was worried on what was happening to his friend.

¨M-mune?h-hey! Are you okay?is there something wrong¨Sohone said putting his hand in munes ways so he doesn't fall to the ground but instead fall onto his hand.

¨no, no, I just feel a bit dizzy...I feel like, ACK-¨Mune stopped as he had fallen on sohones arms, The gang soon realized that mune had a curse upon him from that fight of the corrupted moon guardian but they didn't know what the curse did to him, while that was happening mune was starting to see things, he was being mind-controlled by the corrupted guardian by seeing things that aren't even there and that had happened in the past with them.

¨STAY AWAY FROM ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!!¨Mune shouted as he started to see Sohone turn into a monster that existed years back.

¨Mune what is going on? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIEND!¨Sohone yelled, as he still held mune close to him, not letting go.

¨As I said before, If I don't get what I want, then I'll get it myself and it looks like your little friend here is being controlled by me from that dark magic that my little minion gave to him. Come on little one~¨said king, as he tried to get mune over to him.

¨Over my dead body, I am not giving my mind over, Hugo, glim, spleen, and mox go find the sun! Keep the moon safe and whatever you do, don't look back! And don't give the moon to the corrupted guardians!GO, GO, GO!¨Mune said giving orders to each one, the rest had fled to get the sun back and to keep the moon safe as mune and sohone fought king, they had run and by the time they were far enough, furren had come to stop them.

¨While the bird was away, the worms started to show, trying to get the sun? Not on my watch you're not, now hand over the moon that belongs to my friend¨Ferren claimed as he tried to get the moon from them.

¨Everyone split! Don't let him catch you or get the moon!¨Glim yelled as she threw a dust bomb to confuse the guardian, everyone had split up, Hugo got the moon, glims got spleen, and mox was alone, there were three different ways to get the person who got the moon, he started with the first mox trails and from that he flew and followed him, not knowing it was the other way, while the corrupted sun guardian was following the wrong tracks glim and spleen had to face corrupted moon guardian who was there to stop them as well, Hugo had the moon with him but he wanted to turn back to get his brother, meanwhile with mune and sohone, they were still fighting king.

¨Getting tired of me, then hand over the moon!¨king demanded as he saw that the guardians were getting tired each time.

¨I am not letting a corrupted guardian win even if they try to take over, we've defeated necross once, now we're going to defeat you!¨Mune said, kneeling on his knees as he was out of breath.

¨Damn right you are!¨Sohone replied.

¨I tried playing nice with you but you're making me very angry! So let's play this the hard way...¨King said.

¨Not on our wa- MUNE LOOK OUT!¨Sohone stopped, when King had let out a huge fireball, it was the sun guardians power before king took it away from him and replaced it with dark magic of his own it was about to hit mune when Hugo came to the rescue and protected him from his magic, one second late and he would be gone.

¨Mune are you okay? Did he do anything to you?¨Hugo said scanning for any scars on him from the dark magic.

¨ENOUGH!!I have had enough of your foolishness *Whistles* Let's see how you can get your pure guardian from my minion¨King said as they waited for the unexpected, They waited in silence, but Sohone decided to hold Mune and Hugo tightly before anything else happened, after what seemed to be like 20 minutes they still saw nothing. Sohone let go of the two and started attacking the king, the minute he did it, the window shattered and took mune.

¨SOHONE!¨Mune screamed as he was being taken by the corrupted.

¨MUNE! DON'T WORRY I'LL SAVE YOU! LET MY FRIEND GO!¨Hugo shouted as he tried to get mune from the corrupted guardian.

¨What took you so long to get here, Anniki! LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING!¨King Yelled at his minion.

¨Sorry master, I had to deal with two brats so they can tell me where and who has the moon...turns out he has it, take your stupid so-called friends¨Anniki said as he throws two glowing crystal balls that started to form into people, that was glim and spleen, apparently he had forced them into telling him where the moon was but never told him until he heard him whistle, he had trapped them in with his magic until he could tell him where the moon was.

¨Glim! Are you okay?¨Sohone asked as he got to her.

¨Yeah...I'm okay, I guess¨Glim said, as she tried to get up and looked at spleen, seeing him completely damaged.

"Well it was nice and all but I'll need the moon," king said.

"Try to catch me if you can, I bet you won't" Hugo had run having a plan, sohone knew that it was hard to catch a faun since he had played tag with mune a few times he wasn't able to catch him on time, he was too fast for him so it would be the same with Hugo.

"Leave him, Anniki he's not worth it, either way, we have two things the sun and the moon guardian without these two nothing can work, the moon doesn't have that much light in there, it's just the glow, all we need is just these two, now throw gas bomb" king demanded.

"Yes, master..." Anniki had thrown a gas bomb that can make everyone fall asleep for a few hours, sohone tried to stay awake to see where they were going to go or what they were going to say all he could hear was munes screams as he tried to wake them up, but they had shut him up and started to plan what they were going to do.

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