Chapter 2:The Broken Promise

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Mune was going through everyone's dreams as his break, he liked to see dreams because it was a joy to him he liked to see funny ones, good ones, and even some dramatic dreams, though he would have to work getting rid of nightmares that some might have, so it doesn't affect them, though he stopped since one was getting dark for no reason, most dreams had colorful lights and white color but this one was a bit different since the color was darker and there was no light colors or anything, so he peeked through the dream to see what's wrong, seeing this it was spleens dream.
He went in to see what was up, but as he looked he could see that he was in fear from this nightmare he was having, he was being corrupted, made fun of, and getting names called at, as a guardian he jumped in to save him from this nightmare of his and started to spread dream dust all over the place only to see flowers blooming and him turning back

"Are you okay?" Mune asked the fellow as he tried to calm them down.

"MUNE!"Spleen shouted as he ran up to him and hugged him tightly not letting go, it seemed to mune that whatever spleen was dreaming was hunting him real bad.
Spleen had started to cry from that terrible nightmare he had, Mune knew how spleen and mox were, spleen often had a lot of nightmares and he could understand why he wouldn't get used to it, While mox was a bit different, Mox enjoyed seeing chaos and loved the dreams he had that was mainly about chaos.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh You're safe now, there is nothing to worry about anymore..."Mune said in a silent voice as he started to crouch down to hug spleen.

"Mune, what's wrong with me...why do I keep getting nightmares but never dreams"Spleen didn't get why he would get a lot of nightmares, he never enjoyed talking about it, and he would often keep it in his book.

"Am not so sure why...some just don't have an answer to...hey, you're safe now" said Mune in a calming voice, he was humming a song until spleen felt comfortable again.

"Mune...can you, can you stay for a while...until I feel safe"spleen asked.

"Of course, bud"Once Mune had agreed they both stayed in the dreamworld, After a while spleen felt safe...that is until he asked a question that made the world around him turn upside down

"Mune, Can I ask you something, do you ever get nightmares? ''Spleen asked curiously, turning back he saw that Mune was stunned to speak as he asked that question

"What made you think that?"Mune asked to see where he got that idea from.

"It's just that...I never see guardians get nightmares or anything. They sleep peacefully and, well, want to know if they have any nightmares at all..." said spleen in a confident voice.

"well...depending on the fear you have, is the nightmare you'll have hunting you, example you had a nightmare about being made fun of and getting corrupted again, it's the fear you have, though for me...I-its nothing really, "Mune said as he had stopped there before saying anything about it.

"Mune, You can trust me I won't tell..."Said spleen, promising him so he could gain his trust.
Mune was thinking about it and after a while or so he decided it was time to tell someone this for once in his life.

"w-well...Please promise me, you won't tell this to sohone or glim, I don't want them to worry about me...I can handle it on my own"Mune said, worried that he might tell them about it.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, I won't tell a single soul," said spleen, promising that he wouldn't say a soul to his friends.

"Okay, well guardians as well have nightmares, just earlier I had to visit sohone in his world and...well he also has some problems, first start, he had the snakes in his world and every word they said, i-it was just hurting me as well...It was hurting me to see my friend suffer from a nightmare like that and how he felt on the inside...I-I just felt horrible, I felt like I was making him suffer and I don't want them to know this but...I also have nightmares that are just hunting me" Mune said, tearing up but he tried to lock them up and not show a single one, Spleen was surprised when he heard this, was it the reason why Mune's friends didn't want him to ask him in person, was it why he didn't want them to worry about them, he had a lot of questions.

"W-what kind of nightmares do you even have? Is it like mine or like your friend?"Spleen asked, he was honestly curious.

"I-I Don't know how to explain this but, It's not like yours or his, it's just something from the past I prefer not to talk about, well NEVER be spoken to in my family..."Mune said in terror, he didn't even want to mention his nightmare to his friend or family, but he knew that he couldn't keep it for long inside of him, he knew he had to tell someone eventually like spleen, but of course, Spleen was curious, what was his nightmare, was it something that bad? Guess he'll have to find out soon when he's about to ask because he wasn't a little kid anymore. He is a 19-year-old boy who is scared of everything, loves flowers, and who likes a wax girl but is afraid to ask her out.

"What was it, you know you can talk to me if you want ''Said spleen trying to get Mune to spill out his feelings and thoughts.

"It's just something from childhood I wish I could forget, but am going to trust you with this secret of mine...My nightmares are just...memories that had traumatized me for life and I'll never forget it, I used to have an older brother, but from that he...he was bitten by a snake that could control anyone that they bite, he tried breaking free but failed and he tried to hurt my family and friends when he noticed me...He froze and realized what he had done and started to run away before he did any damage, from that day he had cursed my mother, she's now turned into stone, when that curse happened it had fallen into everyone else a-and...I just can't it's too much pain for me"Said mune as he stopped where his family was cursed, but all of those memories started flashing uncontrollably in his mind he couldn't help but just close his eyes.

"You are suffering a lot! Does anyone know about this...what are you doing to keep these nightmares from happening?"Spleen asked, he wanted to know more about what even happened in his childhood and wants to know what he does to keep the nightmares from happening.

"No one knows about this, it's Just you and I can't stop it for me, when I pour in some dream dust so I can avoid having these nightmares for some reason it's not working on me, it only works on Others."Said mune, staring into space as they spoke. Spleen had felt bad that he's going have to tell all of this to glim and sohone to know what's wrong with him and he couldn't lie about it, he was bad at lying and everyone knew that

"How long...has this been happening to you?"Spleen asked.

"You know what's funny...I've lost count of how many times I've had nightmares about that day, It's hard to notice how long it has been especially when your trying your best to make your family proud or not put any of this into realization, It's getting hard to hide everything from everyone..."Mune said, he didn't realize how long has this been going on ever since being a guardian he had missed up real bad, he lost the sun than the moon than his friend than from that everything went back to normal, Spleen could understand that Mune had been Suffering for a long time since childhood until now and wants to help him that bad

"I- "Spleen stopped as he was shaken and had woken up to the real world. Glim and Sohone were looking at him as he was trying to say something to Mune but it was too late. He wanted to say something important to him that might have helped.

"Oh thank god, I thought we lost you forever in the nightmare world, "Glim said as she was relieved that spleen finally woke up.

"W-what happened, M-Mune?MUNE?Oh no I was going to say something but...I-You woke me up"Spleen was all confused, why would they wake him up now? He was about to say something to mune but didn't get a chance to.

"Am sorry spleen but we just had to know if You were lost or if something had happened to you, but has Mune released any information? "Glim asked as she apologized to him for waking him up from his dream with Mune.

"A-am sorry but I promised him I couldn't tell a soul, but all I could tell you is that...He is suffering badly and I recommend you check on him"Spleen said as he remembered that he promised mune he wouldn't tell a soul.

"Of course he did, Why did I think this was a good idea?"Sohone said annoyed.

"SOHONE-sigh- he gave us a bit of information but we need to know what he's suffering from? Did he tell you?"Glim begged.

"H-He.....HE HAS NIGHTMARES TOO, OKAY!?..."Spleen finally snapped.

Glim and Sohone were horrified to hear about this information.

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