Chapter 15:Solution

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"So you can sense Blood? Huh, no wonder you found us so easily" Surlock said as he was getting to know more of hooves.

"Yup! That's how it works! I can smell the blood from a mile away from where I would be *sniff* *sniff* I smell Hoover's blood and it seems to be a running stream down from his nose but his blood, is that normal for him?" hooves asked to look at Surlock.

"Wait, blood? That's Not normal for his kind! HOOVER!!" Surlock shouted as he saw that Hoover had fainted in front of them, thankfully Captain Cap caught him on time.

"What happened to him?" Captain Cap asked as he held on to Hoover before he hit the ground, he saw that Hoover's blood was running down fast from his nose.

"Why is he bleeding now!? HOOVER WALK UP!!" Surlock shouted as he called out at him but hoover himself, he did not hear a sound.

>>>Hoovers Mind>>>
"Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" Hoover thought to himself.

"Hello?"Hoover said as his voice echoed though as he hear his voice he heard another voice it was muffled and hard to hear he could make it out much, and it was hard for him to understand what the voice said, he ignored it and continued to wander in the darkness by himself.

>>>with Surlock, Hooves, and captain cap (Outside of Hoovers Mind)>>>

"Surlock just calm down, he's unconscious right now, he needs to rest for a while" Captain Cap said as he heard for signs of breathing while holding him closely.

"B- but what if he...he, what he never wakes up!? Then that would be my fault for telling him the stupidest thing to him! A- and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself to him! A- and!" Surlock said studdering to himself that his anxiety and panic attacks were going up from this accident.

"Surlock, Follow my instructions, take a deep breath in, and let it all out okay? Now repeat after me, breathe in and breathe out" Hooves said as he was trying to get surlock to calm down from all of this stressful day.

"Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in and breath out, okay..."Surlock said calming down after repeating the words Hooves told him to.

"For now I'll carry him while he rest, we need to get going now," Captain Cap said picking up hoover and placing him on his back carefully.

"Alright, Let's go," Hooves said sniffing out for anyone who has blood on them to follow, eventually he found one sense and started following it and so did the rest.

>>>With Glim's group>>>

"Wait so you're the wise guard because the old moon guardian gave you light because he trusted you with his daughter?" Leeyoon asked since he was hearing the side of glims story.

"Pretty much, Spleen here had a little corruption going on but Angus helped out and he trusted me with his child since I told him he has to go with his partner in Peaceland, and turns out he made me the wise guard" Glim explained again to Leeyoon since he had a hard time understanding it.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, the wise guard and her crew of the underground~ shame that my spell didn't work on your little plant friend there," said King in disappointment as he was a hundred percent sure that his spell would work on Spleen.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MUNE!" Hugo shouted knowing that the rest would ask why he was quiet the whole time and why he is shouting now, as he shouted he jumped to attack him but King blocked his attack and sent him flying to the wall.

"Oh please, he only has a spell but of course, it's unbreakable, you know the one you couldn't control in the past, Hugo," King said Cracking a smile on his face.

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