Chapter 26 - My beloved

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A/N: I'm sorry😭😭😭 my laptop shat itself as soon as I moved into the bush and I haven't been able to re-enter civilisation to get it fixed. I ordered a battery replacement over the phone so hopefully I'll be able to get it fixed. This chapter was courtesy of using my new bosses computer while they're away lmao. Also that my mind is BLANK so I hope it isn't boring

I hope most of you are still around and here to help me through this slump ❤️❤️

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The sound of the shower running slowly roused me from my sleep, to which my heart responded with a leap of joy that Chanyeol had returned home. Having missed him all day, this depraved sense of excitement left me feeling both joy and a bitter, lingering sense of emptiness. I sat up on the bed, mindful of the care Chanyeol must have taken to bring me here without my being woken.

When the shower water quieted and the bathroom door eventually opened, I watched Chanyeol step into the room wearing only a towel around his waist. His muscles appeared harsh and taut, accentuated by shadows being cast on them. Chanyeol noticed me sitting up and came around to my side of the bed where he settled himself down beside me. His hungry eyes peered down at my lips, then moved back up to share with me an intense gaze. His hand reached up towards my face, and my eyes closed in response to the gentle caress of his fingertips as they slowly moved down my cheek. I sighed at the feeling of his warm, uncalloused touch. Then his lips set on mine, first gently with so much reservation, but the niggle of hunger quickly turned to that of starvation. His tongue worked to move my lips apart, and I did not hesitate to grant him access.

When our lips broke apart, he rested his forehead against mine and lifted my chin up, redirecting his lips back to linger in front of his. “Breathe,” he whispered, teasing my lips with the touch of his. His voice was low and husky, nothing like how he sounded in the past. “Don’t forget to breathe.” My shallow pants were hard to control, but I let out a long and shaky sigh. It was the best I could do under his prompting. “There,” he murmured, smiling through his eyes. “That’s a good boy.”

His voice made me weak, but the crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes as he smiled made me even more so. It was further evidence of the years that passed, as if the pain and heartbreak I endured was not already reminder enough. If there was a way for me to be consumed by Chanyeol, then I would beg and plead for it. I loved him more intensely now than I had ever done in the past, which perhaps came down to the desperation I felt as I clung helplessly to him, knowing that he could turn away from me at any time. That at any moment, he would no longer be with me.

“I missed you today,” he whispered, then kissed my forehead before climbing into bed beside me. He extended his arm, inviting me to rest my head atop it. The offer was tempting, but we first had to address today. It was evident by the way he was acting that he had no idea about his father, nor that I had spent that time trying to contact him.

“As I missed you,” I murmured, glancing down at his beautiful eyes. “Did you turn off your phone?”

“Not at all, why?” he asked, cautiously. “Did you try to contact me?”

“Both me and the hospital,” I answered, looking away while the guilt set in. Now I had to admit that I went against his caution, seeing his father in spite of his ill health, resulting in the exact outcome which Chanyeol feared. Still, it was necessary that I face the music. 

“The hospital?” Chanyeol immediately sat up and turned his body to me before grabbing my arms and staring studiously at my face. His eyes quickly darted around my body, moving his hands to check everywhere as if for signs that I may have been hurt. “Are you okay?”

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