Author Note

342 17 10

Helloooo readers, 

Thanks for taking a sneak peak at this new and updated author note. 

This is an official heads up that I've started rewriting this entire book from scratch. It's no longer the dark and heavy shit that it was because I can't seem to carry that weight. Now that I'm putting a lighter tone on it, there should be a better chance that I can finish it!  I can't write the books that I wanna write, so I gotta rely on the light and fluffy readers for some much needed attention and validation towards a largely unsuccessful genre on this platform. 

I don't know why I'm like this either! 

If you're a familiar face who's read my other works, just know I see you, I love you, and I appreciate you so much. And for all you new readers, I hope to see more of you too and if you comment nice things then I will eat that shit up for breakfast. There's really nothing better than bonding over pure BL over the internet.

I say pure, but now that I'm writing an adult story with adult characters, I might actually gather the nerve to write something a little steamier if the situation calls for it. It'll be a first for me, so just bear with me even if it's completely and utterly novice. We stan healthy loving relationships in this neck of the woods, so if you're after that raw ***smut*** and abuse then this story probably isn't the one for you. 

If you're a mature reader (by that I literally mean over 18), then just know that I'm too accustomed to writing for young teens so I apologise for the likely very young sounding narrative of my characters. 

Enjoy this lighter spin on Haneul and Chanyeol's journey! 

And if you're a K-drama lover, then this new take on the story is literally inspired by them so I hope you like it. (Imagine if Jang Eui Soo and Kang In Soo actually starred in this :') )

* * * 

Also, just to quickly preface something that all my previous readers are already well aware of, I am useless at editing before posting and this story is no exception. Please excuse the mistakes and continue on at your own discretion eheh. 

Please enjoy! x

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