Chapter 11 - Chanyeol POV: Phone calls and regret

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Two hours of scheduling and provisions planning with the Board of Directors felt like a punishment for my behavior this morning, but at least it was the last for today. Any marginal excuse would have been sufficient for me to excuse myself and leave the room at once, but no matter how much I prayed, there were no minor disruptions; and I was forced to endure the entirety of this sitting.

At long last, the Senior Deputy Advisor moved around the table to exchange formalities as we finally concluded this long and overdrawn meeting. The small and rotund man gave me a bright and optimistic smile that somehow reached his eyes. Except for Haneul, it's been a long time since I've seen somebody's smile reach their eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back a grimace; this was certainly the wrong setting to display anything but cordiality.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Han," he said, extending his hand to which I dutifully accepted. He returned his hand behind his back and bowed out of respect. "Then, we'll take our leave."

I returned the bow, thanking each participant for their attendance as each one of them leisurely made their way out of the room. Mr. Kim remained seated, arranging documents used for the meeting and returning them to their corresponding folders. Once the last Board member exited the room, I sat down on the nearest seat, which just so happened to face directly across from Mr. Kim. My eyes settled comfortably on him as I watched him work his way effortlessly through the files, and once I realized I'd been observing him for too long, I checked my watch for any calendar alerts.

"We are ahead of schedule to clock off on time today," Mr. Kim said, having apparently noticed me checking my watch.

"Then I'll chase the finance team for the analytics and appraisals," I said, standing back up from the seat. It was already five-thirty PM, a criminal time to hold a Board meeting, and equally criminal of me to request overtime from my staff. But if the job wasn't satisfactorily done within the designated time frame so that I too could play my part within my available work time, then they would have to make up for it with their own time, too.

"Submitted this morning," he said, putting the files under his arm as he stood from his chair.

"Really?" I asked, following suit. We left the meeting room and made our way through the corridors back to the finance department. "Why weren't they on my desk when I came in this morning?"

"They were already cross-checked and sent over to the investors," he said.

"By whom?" I asked.

"Me," he said with a sly but playful grin. "Did you think I slept my way to this position because I didn't have any other skill? You took so long to arrive that I had plenty of time to get it done."

"Ah," I responded, forcing a lopsided and insincere grin. "My apologies."

"I don't see why you should apologize to me. You're the boss," he said matter-of-factly, but then nudged my shoulder as he gave me a playful sideways glance. "But if you're truly sorry, then you can arrange a nice dinner and hotel for us tonight."

"We'll discuss tonight later," I answered, looking straight ahead, and nodding respectfully to any passerby we came across down the halls.

Normally I'd be far more inclined to accept his advances, but today, I lacked the confidence needed to perform to my usual standard. Mr. Jae Park was strikingly handsome and well put together, a relentlessly hard worker who showed leadership skills time after the next, and had remained loyal to me for years. First professionally, and then romantically. If I hadn't been favored by the Executive Director and received the backing of the Board three years ago, then Mr. Kim would undoubtedly have received my position. He never showed jealousy or hostility and continued tirelessly, even when he thought I wasn't looking. For that, I grew fond of him so much that I couldn't help but respond to his flirtatious advances. The only wedge between us was my past with Haneul.

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