Sun on the Ocean's Surface

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"We're going to the beach!"

Manga, Finral and Vanessa all cheer in unison as they either pump their fists or leap for joy.

Yuno really should be used to his squadmates' unusual behaviour by now...but still he's a little stunned by their reaction to the news of a secret mission. Sure they'll be working up by the ocean front but it's going to be anything but a vacation.

"Oh man, I can't wait to see the ocean!" Magna's eyes sparkle with delight.

"A chance to relax by the ocean waves and try on a new swimsuit! Oh this will be amazing!" Vanessa giggles out, her breath smelling of wine. She does know that this is not a vacation right?

"Think of all the yummy seafood!" Charmy joins in "crabs, shellfish and sushi galore!"

"Think of all the wonderful beach babes," Finral swoons dramatically "oh how I've longed for this day!"

"They do know it's not a vacation right?"

Finally someone who Yuno can agree with.

He turns to greet Noelle who is watching their superiors celebrate with a perplexed frown on her face.

"Alright settle down!" Yami's shrill bark makes the rest of the Bulls freeze in their tracks "now listen up!"


"We'll be leaving in three days, I expect you all to prepare yourselves and be ready."

"The captain is actually taking this seriously?!" Magna grins "oh this is going to be fun!"

"Sir?" Yuno raises his hand.

"Yeah kid?"

"What of the Crimson Lion Kings?"

"What about 'em" Yami puffs a breath of smoke "as far as I'm concerned those clowns can send a member or two if they want but if they ain't here on time or don't show up at all it's no skin off my back. In fact I think this will go a lot smoother without them."

"Are we really in the position to be turning down help from the other squads?" Noelle asks "especially when dealing with this high profile of a threat?"

"Who cares as long as I get to fight some strong opponents, that's all that matters!" Luck throws some punches against the air.

"As far as I'm concerned Yuno and I will have this handled," Bell preens on his shoulder "you all just sit back and enjoy your pretty little beach vacation."

"She doesn't speak for me," Yuno blanks. "I agree with Noelle. I think the help is welcomed."

"I don't know Juno," Magna looks over his shoulder. "Between you, Bell and little Rasta you're quite the powerhouse."

"While I appreciate the compliment I still have my weaknesses, not to mention Asta is still weakened."

His brother peeks out behind him, he's regained some of his gait but he's just barely taller then Yuno when standing on his twos.

"Who cares about the Crimson Lion Kings or any of that boring stuff," Vanessa claps her hands and comes to a stand "you heard captain Yami didn't you?"

Yuno and Noelle glance at each other with equally confused expressions.

"He said we need to prepare! And since we're going to a place called the underwater temple I think it's safe to say that we all need some kind of swimwear!"

"Swimwear?" Yuno tilts his head.

"Special clothes that you wear when in the water," Finral explains and looks at Vanessa "she makes a good point actually, I don't think many of us have clothing equipped for the ocean."

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