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"Alright," Yuno stretches with a pop of his back "first day as a magic knight."

He looks over to Asta in a mix of both excitement and anxiety.

His brother is crouched by their cracked window, watching a sparrow build her nest. Yuno isn't sure if he merely enjoys watching the bird or if he wants to eat it.

"You ready?" He asks as he steps towards the door.

Asta makes a noise of hesitancy before vanishing into the shadows. Yuno feels him lumber towards him and his breath is gentle as it brushes against his hair.

"Okay," he breathes "here we go."

He opens the door.

And is immediately met with a brick wall.

Not a wall, a pillar.

He blinks confused, he's pretty sure that wasn't there yesterday.

Asta seems to agreed as he sniffs at in curiosity.

"Hey newbie," a voice calls down the hall, Magna is making his way towards them "you sleep okay?"

"Just fine thanks," he looks back at the pillar "this may sound strange but I don't think this was here yesterday."

Magna chuckles "it probably wasn't."

"What do you mean?"

"This whole building shifts and moves around all of the time, you'll get used to it."

That did align with the outer appearance of the hideout, a living building huh?

"You'll get used to it," Magna shrugs "come on I'll show you around."

"Is there much of a point seeing as everything will just move again?" Yuno asks but follows him anyways.

"Not really but hey it'll be good for you to know what rooms we actually have here, seeing as this is probably the biggest building you've ever been in right?" Magna explains casually.

Yuno hums "I suppose so."

"Well then come on newbie," Magna laughs as he suddenly bolts down the hall "see if you can keep up!"

Yuno looks after him blankly, he's a bit confused by the childish nature of the Bulls but at the same time it's nice.

It's familiar.

Yuno runs after him.

Magna chatters away as he explains the various rooms and nooks and crannies of the base. He's not nearly as scary or unruly as Yuno had initially assumed, he's actually quite nice; complimenting him every now and again and taking the time to answer any questions Yuno may have.

He also hasn't mentioned anything about Asta yet, almost like he knows Yuno doesn't want to talk about it.

The tour goes mostly smoothly, the dinning hall is massive especially for a squad with so little members, the bathes are communal and separated by gender, they are also far larger then the ones in Hage. The wreck room is...something, he doesn't know what the Bulls would need with some of the equipment held behind those doors and the sight of the sharp objects makes Asta grow wary.

The only real incident of note was the beast room.

Asta does not like the caged creatures at all.

He snarls and hisses right back at the monsters, appearing without prompting and stopping Yuno from preforming his new task of feeding them.

"Your little friend is certainly interesting," Magna rubs at the back of his neck as they make their way out of the beasts corridor "do you mind if I asked you a question?"

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