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The sun is starting to set.

Yuno slumps down onto the ground, fatigue from the days events setting in and weary from the emotional turmoil going on inside his mind.

He's waiting for Noelle and Magna.

They've gone to comfort the grandchildren of the village elder who was murdered. Yuno keeps his distance, he knows the children are scared of him there is no point in him being there.

Asta is disposing the evidence of Yuno's crimes the same way he's always done. He eats the flesh and bone of the ice mage, tearing him apart until nothing will be left behind.

He's sure Magna will be upset but Yuno hadn't thought to much of it. Asta didn't need to eat but he had a taste for Yuno's enemies and who was he to deny his brother a meal?


Perhaps he's become a bit to desensitized to having a curse around.

Yuno doesn't even bat an eye at the loud cracking of bones that happens not five feet away from him.

He still cannot bring himself to feel sympathy for that man.

He sighs loudly, leaning back and falling onto the fresh grass. Beside him Asta licks his lips and chatters softly before returning to his meal.

This is not the first person to die from Asta's claws, far from it.

But it was the first time Yuno himself had ever attempted to kill someone.

He glares at the sky.

He had been so angry, so frustrated and so bitter. These people treated commoners the same way that damn drunk had. All Yuno could see when he looked at them was the man who murdered his brother.

It was an eye for an eye in his mind. A life for a life.

But he knew that despite their ideals those people had nothing to due with Asta's death. Yuno had no right to try and take their lives and yet he still wanted to.

But he has no reason to.


After all he had already avenged the elder of the village.

He continues to glare at the sky, as if the answer to his worries lies somewhere in the clouds.

He nearly jumps out of his skin when an anti birds flies directly into his line of sight.

Yuno leans up from the ground, using the palms of his hands to support himself as he blinks at the bird.

It looks like the same one from the entrance exam...

The little creature chirps at him and Yuno notices clutched within its beak is a shiny purple stone, curiously he reaches out for it.

The bird instead lands on his outstretched hand and proceeds to peck at his fingers.

He pulls his hand back with a startled yelp.

Asta looks up in worry but quickly snorts at the sight and returns to what little remains of the ice mage.

"Oh so birds aren't a threat?" Yuno rolls his eyes.

The anti bird proceeds to peck at his head.

"Well I beg to differ!" He shouts using a small amount of his wind magic to scare the bird off.

It quickly comes back, landing on his knees and looking at him with cold eyes.

Yuno frowns, this thing makes him uncomfortable.

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