Truth or Dare

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Tina: You do I had her put up for a adoption when she was a baby a nice family adopted McKenzie.
Zac: How old is she now?
Tina: 12 years old Zac.
Zac: Where is she at now?
Tina: In New York.
Zac: Why you ain't tell me?
Tina: Because you did not need to know she doesn't even know she is adopted.
Zac: I can't believe I have a sister that's out there in the world.(Zac gets up and leaves the house)
Knock Knock
Melinda:Zac are you okay?
Zac: No I have a sister but she was put up for adoption.
Melinda:Wow I'm sorry Zac.
Zac: I'm sorry I'm just going thru a lot Melinda my dad mother doesn't like me my mother cleaning but I don't know for how long.
Melinda: She will stay clean Zac.
Zac: I don't put faith in her no more.
Melinda: You have too. (Starts kissing Melinda and she starts kissing back he takes his pants off and she takes her pants off and he gets on top and starts pumping in and out of her. Melinda parents come in the house and hear noises and they walk in on Melinda and Zac having sex)
Melinda Father: Melinda
Zac: Oh shit.
Melinda Father: Melinda get dress now and you young men get your shit out of my daughter.(Melinda and Zac get dress and head out to the living room.)
Melinda Mother: Have you guys lost your mind?
Melinda: No we are together daddy.
Melinda: I know that is but why is you guys having sex he was in you Melinda digging in and out of you.
Melinda: Dad we been having sex.
Zac: Melinda oh my gosh.
Melinda Mother: Roger let's drop it.
Melinda Father: Annie let it go we need stop her from having sex teenage pregnancy is at all time high she don't need to have no baby.
Melinda: Daddy be mad at me I had sex with him I always start us having sex first not Zac I don't want live without him he told me he was gone marry me.
Melinda Mother: Zac please go home we wont talk to Melinda.(Zac leaves and drives home and Melinda Father goes in the back and Melinda mother and her talk about Zac)
Melinda: Mom please don't ground me.
Melinda Mother: I have too Melinda but I won't stop you from talking to him I was like that too with your father.
Melinda: You were?
Melinda Mother: Yes dear.
(Zac makes it home he goes in takes a shower and goes to bed)
(Next Morning Zac gets up to brush his teeth and washes his face. He goes to meet Ms Francis she helps him apply to LSU for football. He goes to lunch him and Todd sit together they make plans to meet up after school. Todd tells Zac about Derek wants him to work him.)
Zac: You know I already have a job right?
Todd; Yeah I do but this is a better job we can both do it come on.
Zac: I don't know about selling drugs.
Todd: Come on man please just for a little bit.
Zac: Let me think about it.(Zac heads to work when he gets there his boss is there she wants to speak to him.)
Zac: Briana said you wanted to see me Ms. Grace?
Grace: Close the door have a sit.
Zac: (closes the door) Yes did I do something?
Grace: Briana says you and her been doing some very inappropriate things.
Zac: No we have not.
Grace: I checked the cameras.
Zac: Am I in trouble?
Grace: No your not I just want know if you can do that for me to?(unbuttons her shirt)
Zac: That's sexual harassment.
Grace: That's not sexual harassment.
Zac: Yes it is your old enough to be my grandmother and by the way I quit.(brush past her and he tells Briana fuck you he heads to Melinda house he tells her what happen she keeps laughing at him.)
Zac: It's not funny Melinda.
Melinda: Yes it is you tried to get pimped out by a old lady.(laughing)
Zac: Can you be serious I need money for my senior year what I'm gone do?
Melinda: Get another job.
Zac: I was making good money at that job.
Melinda: Sell drugs.
Zac: I'm serious.
Melinda: Sell some dick.(burst out laughing)
Zac: Melinda stop it.
Melinda: Okau Zac what are you good at besides having sex?
Zac: Melinda?
Melinda: What I'm just saying I can help you find another job.
Zac: You can?
Melinda: Yes we can work together this summer and hang out at the same time.
Zac: Todd wanted me and him to sell drugs.
Melinda: We can both do it if you want too?
Zac: No I don't want my future wife selling drugs.
Melinda: Okay how about at six flags?
Zac: No that's corny.
Melinda: Your my corny ball.(kisses him)
Zac: You mad lame Melinda so what we gone this summer?
Melinda: Work I can help you buy stuff for your senior year.
Zac;No I'm do this myself you just hold me down.(Melinda kisses him)
Melinda; Okay I can do that.
(Zac heads to his mother house and to his surprise Derek was just leaving out the house Zac tells him he wants to work for him he tells him stop by tomorrow.)
Zac: Mom.
Tina: Zac what are you doing here?
Zac: I need to talk to you.
Tina: About what?(a guy walks out the room)
Zac: Who is this?
Random guy: Who the fuck are you ?
Zac: I'm her son I can't believe you mom you still doing the same stuff.
(Zac heads home and cries his mother is back on drugs again. A new guy comes around she starts using again. He goes to take a shower and gets ready for bed he wakes was up the next morning and heads to school it's his last day of school for the summer he tells Todd he gone work with Derek to sells drugs. Zac and Todd head to meet Derek he trains them for 2 weeks they start selling drugs and Zac and Todd work on they own block together.
Todd: Man we is killing the game.
Zac: We is I made about 3k in a day.
Todd: Man you rolling in the dough.
Zac: I am I'm buy my baby something nice for holding it down for me.
Todd: Okay player.
(Zac heads home from a hard day at work he comes in the house and speaks to his grandpa and Auntie. He heads to room and locks his door and puts his money underneath his bed.)
Knock Knock
Zac: Just a second(puts the money under his bed and goes to the door)
Auntie Martha: I made your favorite come eat.(Zac goes and eats)
Grandpa Larry: How is working at the shop treating you?
Zac: Good I really like it.
Auntie Maratha: That's good I'm glad you love it baby you work so hard and Melinda dad is very nice to let you work there you going to see your day this week?
Zac: Yes I am.
(Zac finishes eating and goes to talk to Melinda she tells him that she been working a lot at six flags and she wants Zac to quit and come work at six flags with her. He says no he is making a lot money he can't stop now because he will have everything he needs for his senior and he working and saving his money for college as well.)
Melinda: I just want make sure you make it to college.
Zac: I will make it to college like straight up you just said the most disrespectful shit.
Melinda: I did not mean it like that but it's true.
Zac: Let me go my grandpa is calling me.
(He hung on up Melinda and gets a call from Derek he tells him he is on his way. Zac heads out the door he tells grandpa he is going to see Melinda for a little bit)
Auntie Maratha: This late you gone let him go out?
Grandpa Larry: Puppy love hush up.(Zac comes back around midnight he walks in the house and his auntie turns on the lights)
Zac: Yo you scared me.
Auntie Maratha: Zachary Luther Taylor where have you been?
Zac: With Melinda we lost track of time.
Auntie Maratha: Something in the water ain't clean you hear me you hiding something and we will find out.
Zac: Stop being paranoid.
Auntie Maratha: You sure you don't want tell me?
Zac: Auntie I promise.
Auntie Maratha: You lie like your mother I could look in her eyes I can tell when she was lying and you are Zachary now what is it your hiding?
Zac: Just like you hide stuff from me that you was an alcoholic?
Auntie Maratha: (smacks him upside the head) Excuse me Zachery?
Zac: Yo I'm going to bed why don't you go drunk a glass of wine or something.(Zac walks away and takes a shower and goes to bed.)
Over the next few weeks Zac works and works he bring in a little over 15 k  in the past few weeks. He was moving weight so much that his mother found out about it she told his dad.
Dad: Zac son I know I can't tell you anything but you need to stop before you end up behind bars like me.
Zac: I won't you ain't got to worry about that.
Dad: I was trying to help son I don't want see you lose in life I want you to be better then me I had so much going on when went to the house that night I was arguing with my ex wife and they gun went off because I was trying to take it from her my life changed and I'm here son.
Zac: I hear you dad I'm not gone do that okay.(hugs his dad and heads home)
Knock Knock
Grandpa Larry: Hello Good Evening Roger how are things going?
Melinda Father: Good what about you?
Grandpa Larry: Good Zac is not here tho.
Melinda Father: Why would I be here to see Zac I'm here to talk to you.
Grandpa Larry: Oh what's this about?
Melinda Father : Melinda quit her job.
(In walks Maratha)
Auntie Maratha: Hey Roger.
Melinda Father: Hey Maratha but as I was saying she quit her job because your grandson give her 2 bands.
Auntie Maratha: How he is not making that much money at your shop?
Melinda Father: (looks crazy)He doesn't work at my shop he selling drugs.
Grandpa Larry: Now wait a minute your not gone come over here accuse my grandson of selling shit.
Scene switches to Zac meeting Derek and Todd they go do a drop and Derek ask them do they want make some real money. They say hell yeah he tells them about a robbery at a jewelry story and this old guy that lives alone that has a whole lot of money in his house. Zac is very hesitant but Todd is not so Zac decides to do it. They plan to do it a week from now. Zac heads home and pulls up to see Melinda dad car at the house and he goes inside everyone is looking at him.
Zac: Hey everyone.
Grandpa Larry: Zac please have a sit and Roger you may go home.(Roger heads home)
Auntie Maratha: Now Zac Roger tells us you have not been working at the garage.
Grandpa Larry: Please tell us where have you been are you lying to us?
Zac: I know you guys ain't talking to me about lying when Auntie and you both having secrets I have a secret and no you guys won't know.
Grandpa Larry: Not in my house pack your shit and go live with your mother you hear me.
Zac: I sell drugs you happy.
Grandpa Larry : Why would you do that?
Zac: Causes my old boss was trying black mail me cause I was sleeping with Briana so I quit before she could fire me I'm tired of working hard and making crumbs I want the fast life.
Auntie Maratha: Zachary your so smart you don't need to sell drugs.
Zac: Yes I do who gone pay for my college I got grandma that don't love me and won't pay for me to go to college and you & grandpa can't afford to send me to school so I got be out here hustling I play football good but that's not enough for a black men.
Grandpa Larry: Your better then that son don't throw your life away your dad is in jail now because of the fucked up system.
Zac: I don't know how I been working with Derek he is not gone let me walk away easy.(walks off and goes into his room)
A week later Zac gets accepted into college he tells
Derek he can't do this. He tells him he understood he also tells him your grandfather came and talked to me and I will be leaving you and Todd alone. Zac walks away. He heads to Melinda house and tells her she Hugs him and kisses him she tells him she proud of him.Zac starts his senior year off good him and Todd they start working at foot locker. One day Zac gets a call from Melinda crying and her dad screaming in the background Zac gets in the car and drives to Melinda house. Zac walks in to see Melinda has been shot and he calls 911 and he waits for an ambulance to come pick up Melinda they take her to the hospital and immediately take her to surgery an hour an half later Melinda is out of surgery.
Auntie Maratha: Zac baby go home you been here all day.
Zac: I know I'm trying to check on Melinda.
Auntie Martha: I know Zac but I work here.
Zac: I know that but that's the love of my life in there I'm not leaving her.
A few days later:
Melinda wakes up she tells Zac that her parents were arguing and she tried to break it up and her dad pulled the gun out and shot her.

Melinda: Zac I love you so very much. (She squeeze his hands)
Zac: I love you too Melinda.(she closes her eyes and takes her last breath.)

Zac never felt this pain before someone he really did love Melinda

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Zac never felt this pain before someone he really did love Melinda. So he goes back to selling drugs he doesn't even care anymore. As Zac gets closer to the end of his senior year he goes to live with his mother. Zac comes one day to see the apartment was empty and his mother left a note:

Thanks for the money
Zachery your just as stupid as your daddy

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