When I was Young

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Zac Mother Tina: Zac get your ass out here.
Zac: Coming
Zac Mother Tina: Why are you not out here you got go to school?
Zac: I don't want go the kids are gone laugh at me I just want stay at home please mommy can I stay?
Zac Mother Tina: You can't stay here I got a men coming to make me feel good.
Zac: I just want stay here.
Zac Mother Tina: No mother you just like your daddy selfish not gone be nothing in and out of jail and no one will ever love you like your a nobody so get on the bus and get out my face you loser.
(Zac goes to school his teacher Mrs. Samantha stop him Zachary come here she says. Zac goes to her she asks how are you this morning? He tells her he is fine and asked her if she had any of those special snacks she gave him yesterday she said yes she takes Zac in the room and feeds him and talks to him. He tells her about the other kids picking on him cause he wears the same clothes she calls Zac Grandfather he comes after school to get him.)
Grandpa Larry: Hey Samantha thanks for calling me I will take of my grandson.
Zac: Grandpa you came to see about me I miss you (kisses him)
Grandpa Larry: I miss you to bud let's go to your favorite place.
Zac: Mickey Ds
Grandpa Larry: Yes let's go(get in the car and go)
Zac: Can I come stay with you?
Grandpa Larry: Yes Bud you know that.
Zac: Mommy gone be mad.
Grandpa Larry: She will be okay.(they head to McDonald's and Zac eats and plays after about an hour and half grandpa Larry takes Zac home.)
Auntie Martha: (runs and hugs her)Zachary oh auntie Martha miss you you know you been on my mind come in auntie gone Cook your favorite food.
Zac: Oh boy I can't wait.
Auntie Martha: Me either you want help me cook?
Zac: Yes ma'am I do can we make a cake?
Auntie Martha: Yes we can come on.(they go in the kitchen and finish cooking and eating they the set the table they start eating and Tina comes up.)
Zac Mother Tina: I know damn well you guys ain't steal my son Zachary get your little ass in the car you ain't gone stay here.
Grandpa Larry: Your not taking him the teacher called they said you ain't been taking care of him they gone put in foster car I told them no.
Zac Mother Tina: Well if his no good daddy would help I would not have a problem making sure he got the stuff he needs now Zac let's go.
Grandpa Larry: Tina let me talk to you for a second.(goes in the other room)
Zac Mother Tina: What dad?
Grandpa Larry(hands her money) Take this 200 hundred dollars get your fix and come back if you need more I gotcha let me raise my grandson.
Zac Mother Tina: Make it 50 dollars more and I'm gone but I will be back soon so get your wallet ready.
Grandpa Larry: Okay I got you.
Zac Mother Tina(leaves out the room) Bye yall.
Auntie Martha: Tina you ain't gone say goodbye to Zac?
Zac Mother Tina: I said bye y'all I got go get my medicine.
Zac: Mommy.(she keeps walking out the door and gets in her car. Zac starts to cry and ask why does mommy need her medicine so much when she gets it she be so mean to him z after dinner grandpa Larry gives Zac a bath and gets him ready for bed his auntie Martha reads him a story.)

Auntie Martha: Good night Zachary auntie loves you.( 2 months later Tina is back to get Zac)

Zac Mother Tina: Come on Zac let's go you know the mother fucking drill I need make sure I keep my food stamps and my check for you get your ass too the car.
Zac: I'm not going with you Tina I'm staying here with auntie and Grandpa Larry so bye go home and get your medicine.
Zac Mother Tina(slaps him) Have you lost your damn mind I be damn if I let a little child that can't wipe his ass good talk to me like I ain't nothing your not anything but a waste a nut and broken promises.
Auntie Martha: Tina don't make him go I will keep him and raise him hell I will even pay you money for him monthly or weekly please don't take him from dad and I.
Zac Mother Tina: No you ain't getting him his mine you probably turned him against you you dried up old dirty bitch ain't my fault I had a Kid and you did not that's why your husband left you.
Auntie Martha: Just cause you gave birth to a baby don't mean shit your a terrible mother I could be way better.
Zac Mother Tina(slaps her and they get to fighting) I bet you won't say that shit again.
Grandpa Larry: Tina what is this and Martha I'm surprised at you.
Auntie Martha: You yelling at me and she trying to take him.
(Grandpa Larry hands her the money)
Zac Mother Tina: No I got take him or my shit gets cut of let Zachary you can get him an a month or so.(they head home)
Zac: Where are we going?
Zac Mother Tina: We are heading home.
Zac: This isn't the way home.
Zac Mother Tina: I know that to your new home.
Zac: I want go with Grandpa Larry and Auntie Martha please mommy take me back.
Zac Mother Tina: No mommy getting married and she gone get better so we can be a family.(she pulls up at a house and tells Zac to get out. She tells him that this is Tre he be your new step daddy.)

Zac looks at him and he doesn't like him already Zac and his mother move in. It was okay for awhile until he starts beating on Tina he beat her up so bad once he put her in the hospital. Grandpa Larry came and got me they keep me for awhile my mommy disappeared for a year she came out the blue one day on Christmas and brought me presents then she came and took me again she told my grandpa her father that she was clean and she was gone do right. One day I was playing in my room and she called me I went to her she asked me were my piggy bank was I told her I don't know she said she need it her medicine I told her you promised you would not need your medicine anymore. My mother goes in my room and starts tearing shit up looking for it and she ends up founding it and taking it to go buy drugs . CPS came and got me the  judge ruled that my mother was unfit to raise me and I was take away to foster care. The Lindsey's were my foster parents they keep me for 2 years they were so mean to me  they would yell at me and would not let me play with there kids. When Christmas came I got one shirt one pair of pants and a pair of socks while there kids got video games toys and clothes. I remember sneaking and playing with it and Mr. Lindsey beat my ass with a broom I ran away a few times they told the cops I was a trouble maker.

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