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Things at the dumping ground are finally back to normal

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Things at the dumping ground are finally back to normal.

Dennis was forced to resign after Gus and Tracy discovered that he had been smoking in the attic and had been the cause of the fire. Thankfully, with his departure, the locks on the cupboard, the fridge and the living room went too.

Lizanne left after her mum got out of hospital and Kitty got sent to a special institution. As Liam and I had expected, Jesse was filed as a runaway, and as much as Mike will deny it, it's blatantly obvious that his lack of care for Jesse stems from the way he treated me.

So overall, things are back to how they used to be, apart from the fact that Tyler is now here to stay. Which I definitely don't mind since he is tolerable, apart from his occasional pranks.

In a way, having Tyler in the house feels like we've gone back in time about two years. Frank and Liam have now retired from their pranking days, but I suppose I hadn't realised how much i had missed it.

We're all crowded in the living room, in the middle of a huge storm. I don't really mind it so much as the others, as I've loved storms ever since a certain day 7 years ago and I'm almost certain that Tee and Johnny feel the same way.

One of our best memories from our childhood was the night of a huge storm.


7 years ago-

"Mum and Keith still aren't back" Johnny says from the window, though his sentence is anything but concerned.

"I don't know if they'll get back tonight" I tell him and Tee, the relief that immediately floods their expressions is impossible to miss. Mum and Keith not returning tonight only means one thing to us. We're safe.

"You think mum is okay?" Johnny asks me as he watches the rain get heavier with a shocked look on his face.

"They've probably gotten a hotel room or something" I shrug, but I don't really care at all. Part of me wishes that they had to spend the night in the freezing car.

Maybe that's cruel, but when you've got a mum who has absolutely no concern for her kids, you become desensitized to this stuff. You stop caring for her wellbeing because she doesn't care for yours.

"Alright guys" I say, turning on my mother mode because their real mother clearly won't be here to do her job. "Let's get to bed"

They listen instantly, rushing to go brush their teeth. Yet another reason why she's not a good mum. She can't get us to do anything she asks of us without making her boyfriend hit us.

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