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t.w-panic attacks and brief mentions of anxiety.

Over night, two boys had been dropped off and we knew absolutely nothing about them. Except their names which Gus managed to find out. They didn't speak English which made communication difficult, but we were making it work.

"Ade you have something too eh?" Mike urges one of the boys who looks slightly older as I sit down at the table and Liam sits beside me.

"That's an egg" Toby points as he reaches for an egg and Liam imitates a chicken, clearly trying to help.

"He knows what an egg is stupid" Sapphire scowls.

"Yeah, but he might be used to the emu ones" He suggests unsurely.

"Emu's are from Australia" Toby explains.

"And people in other countries have chickens and hens, don't be so ignorant" I say, maybe a bit harshly, as I shoot him a glare and turn back to my bowl of cereal.

"Solved the mystery yet Gus?" Tracy asks, walking in.

"Their names are Ade and Dayo" He says and the two boys start to speak in a foreign language. "They like football" At this sentence the two boys have smiles on their faces as Ade says "Manchester United" and Dayo says "Rooney" and they high five Frank in excitement.

"They sleep in the same bed, Ade has nightmares and the scabies are alot better now" Gus continues.

"What are Scabies?" Carmen asks curiously.

"They're parasites that burrow under your skin" Toby says with a smile on his face. Carmen widens her eyes and shuffles her chair away from Dayo.

"Oh for goodness sake Carmen, they aren't contagious could you stop treating them like some diseased creatures" I shout, much louder than I intended before dropping my spoon and pushing myself away from the table.

I walk out the kitchen and start making my way to my bedroom when I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to face Liam.

"Leave me alone" I say simply before turning back around.

"But, I wanted to talk to you" He says, walking towards me again.

"Just get away from me Liam!" I shout. "I don't wanna talk to you, just leave me alone" I finish and walk upstairs, shutting myself in my bedroom.


Liam's pov-

We Go Down Together || Liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now