Act 8: Under The Pale Moon

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"Welcome back, Raven"

The room had fallen silent. Standing in front of me was White Glint, not the mech but rather the personification of the said machine. Beside myself and White, there were the Tohsaka sisters of Rin and Sakura, their servant, covered by a red shroud, Archer, and the guy who apparently went back on his word of dropping his dream of becoming a hero of justice.

Everyone, save for Archer, could only stare at White with some from of confusion written all over their faces. 'Hehe, not all heroes can be from the past.' I thought with some amusement, but quickly shook that thought out of my head and just instead focused on the situation of the now. For a moment, no one seemed to talk for a while. That is, until Rin got tired of the silence.

"Wait, your true name is just White Glint? What kind of name is that? Who are you, where are you from, give us more details about who you are." Rin demanded of the high tech war machine. White, from my perspective, didn't seem to show any kind of visible change to her face. Her poker face was on, and it was a cold look. 'I think Rin pissed her off.'

Sighing, White looks at Rin with her unchanging face. "You know, it's kind of stupid to be demanding such things from someone who could turned this place into a wasteland in less than a second." My face froze at her threat, one because armored cores from her generation were known to basically spill out radiation, second her assault armour was basically taking all of that said radiation and turning herself into a ball of it and destroying anything around her in a set radius.

In other words, she can go boom, without actually going boom herself. Looking to Rin, I saw that she was giving a scowl at White. "What the hell is that suppose to me-!"

"Ok, enough from you, how about we move onto someone else, Sakura?" Looking over toward the younger of the two sisters, I plead within my eyes for Sakura to turn this very unstable situation into something more reasonable.

Sakura, at first was surprised by the sudden change, but quickly claimed down and asked in a claim voice. "If you're not a person, then what were you in your life? I understand you were a symbol, but what kind?" Looking over to White, I could see that she was visible relaxing into the question Sakura asked her.

"To answer your first question, I was a weapon. A war machine known as a NEXT which could destroy whole armies without any kind of support. I myself, was one of the greatest machines of my time." Everyone in the room stood still at White's words. Shirou seemed to be focusing a little bit more on the conversation as he stared at his 'classmate'.

"If that's true, what exactly did you fight in your world?" Rin asked as she stared with quizzical look within her eyes. White, remained motionless at these words. 'Looks like her past is starting to come back.' I thought as White seemed to confront the talks.

Sighing, I grabbed her shoulder making White loose focus and stare up at me. I give a reassuring smile, before stepping up to talk. "If you want details, then I'm going to have to say this. In White's time as a NEXT, there was only an endless war being waged between corporations and resistance groups who were funded by these same corps. In other words, before White become a symbol, she was just known as another mercenary's machine of war."

"Again with these words like machines, NEXTs, mercenary's, you're saying all of this as if it was common in the past. It's even crazier to think considering that I've never heard of someone or something that goes by the name of White Glint in either history of myth." Rin spoke as she looked rather disgruntle with White's words.

"That's because I'm from the future, a future known to be filled with nothing but death and sorrow."

At her words, everyone's attention shifted over to White. Their reactions to what she said, left them all speechless. Shirou, was one of the most obvious of the bunch. Standing up to his full height as he looks at both me and White before speaking. "Is this true? Will the world really fall into such state?!" He yelled, I guess his hero side was showing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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