Act 4: School is Cool

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Hey, so Armored core 6 is coming out. Thought I update this for the heck of it. Anyway, enjoy the story.

"Hmm. . ." Slowly, I begin to open my eyes at the sound of music. It was a piano tune I was familiar with. Eventually, my eyes opened to see a beam of light passing through the window of the room. Blinking a bit for a bit, I slowly begin to sit myself up but stop when I felt something heavy on me.

"Eh?" Confused, I looked down to see my blanket was a bit larger than it should be. Looking confused, I reached over to pull the covers over and see something I thought would only happen in anime. Laying atop my body, was the sleeping figure of White-Glint (The girl not the mech). At first, I was entranced by her sleeping form. Her claim but steady breaths, her glowing white hair, and that peaceful look.

From looking at her alone, you would never guess how many nightmares she gets. Slowly though, I began to think a little about our current situation. Then suddenly, like I was hit with Stonehenge's guns, I began to panic internally while trying my best to not jump out and disturb her sleep. 'what the hell? What the actual hell is going on with my life?!?! Why is she here? Shouldn't she be in bed?'

Looking to my left to see the raised up bed from my futon, I look back down to see her then back up the the bed. 'Did she plan this? No, don't be stupid she probably just fell off her bed.' Slowly claiming myself down while trying to think rationally, I begin to ready my resolve and move to wake up the sleepy girl. Gentle, I begin to give White's head a rub while talking in a quiet voice. "Hey, it's time to wake up."

Slowly, I watched as White only moved into my touch while twisting her body about. "Nooo~ I don't wanna~" Sighing, I begin to move her off me which made her wake up more. "Hey, I didn't say you could leave yet." She said with less of a sleepy tone.

"Well someone needs to get breakfast ready, and besides it's our first day of school so I don't want to be late." At the mention of school, I saw White only turn over and away from me. I guess this was her silent protest but I still got up and walk out. "Oh and by the way, please reframe from getting into my futon next time."

White then slowly picked her self up while looking at me with a questioning gaze. "Why, you don't like it?~" She asked, making me in turn feel embarrassed.

"G-get your head out of the gutter and stop making these situations so embarrassing!" Quickly walking out while heading over to the apartments kitchen, I go over to the fridge and just stop. I lean my self over until my head is resting against the the fridge. ". . . I forgot to get the alarm." I mumbled as I began to think back to the events pertaining to this morning. ". . . Sigh, just why is she acting like she's my girlfriend? Was it something I said or do?"

I sigh again as I open the fridge and begin to prepare breakfast for two. During the process I began to think back to all the events that lead up to us being here in Japan. How we got here was mostly thanks to White as she used her whole military grade electronics and hacking programs to get us here.

Hell, this apartment is basically bought by her stealing money online by hacking into bank accounts and taking what we need. We of course did some flying from time to time, but we mostly kept ourselves under the radar as she made up several different passports and identities for us to use. Half the time it felt like I was basically a liability, so I decided to pick up a few books like cook books, learning how to clean things, and asking White if she needed any help.

She would often shoot me down, but sometimes I would help her out by explaining a few things that she didn't really understand. An example would be a cat she saw and asked what it was. For a whole hour, I saw her and the cat basically go toe to toe in terms of staring and questioning the other's intention. That is, until she started petting the animal, which did she seem to feel more relaxed.

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