Act 1: Armoured Dreams of Fantasy

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Hi everyone, so this is a new story that I made. Mostly because I kept listening to the music above, so give credit to the guy who made it. But anyway, this is something revolving around mecha and fate. . . . This can only go oh so well. :D Anyway, I leave you to it and enjoy the story.

I stand alone in a desert of white sand and thick clouds. For miles, all I could see was sand and the grey sky above. *Boom* From a distance, I hear a faint boom of sorts. *Boom. . . Boom. . . . Boom. . . . Boom . . . BOOM . . . . BOOOM* With each boom, the earth shacks. I look around to see an abandoned city, but that doesn't catch my eye. Instead, I look at a moving airfield with six legs, two massive guns, and an army station aboard it.

I watch in shocked awe at the moving fortress until it stopped, 'odd?' I thought. Soon the two massive guns turn to my direction seemingly aiming at me. 'A-are, they going to shoot?' I thought in fear, soon thousands of missiles, shells, and bullets fire with the two massive tower size guns doing the same. Their distant booms echo out into the dead city and beyond. I watched their rain of hell fly over me and into the open desert.

'What are they shooting at-?!' Looking over the horizon, I see a small glint of a humanoid shape. A trail of smoke follows it as it flies through the dead skies. The glint soon grows in size until it shows itself as an all white mecha with a rocket thruster attached to its back. I watch it fly over head as a defining boom followed suit.

I watched as the white-mecha detaches the thruster and land on the deck of the walking fortress. I watched as it used its two massive guns and attack the army abroad the fort. I watched it skillfully maneuver through their ranks as it destroyed over a dozen others with easy.

This all was incredible to watched as I somehow knew but also felt the experience of the fighting, every move, turn, bullet, and hit. . . I felt it . . . Soon the White-mecha took what looked to be a hit at its chest. I watched it let go of one of its guns and fall off the deck. With its now free hand, it reached out to grab the tail of a passing attack helicopter and tearing it in two. Soon the mecha crashed into a street far out of my view.

I close my eyes to blink and open them to see I'm in front of the white-mecha. " . . . Not yet, I'm not done yet. . ." A voice called out, startled I look around to try and find the owner of the voice. I see no one but the downed machine of war and the abandoned building of the city. Looking back up at the white mecha, I watched as it's blue visor head looked up at the imposing fortress.

It's deck moved for one of its guns as dozens of mechs come marching down with their guns ablaze. Bullets that were larger than my chest came flying by. Soon the white machine began to open up some sort of vents. Soon it's visor closed up and a boom followed shortly after.

I open my eyes again to see Blue skies and white clouds. Blinking a few times, I look down to my body to see that I'm still in one piece. After patting myself down to make sure everything is here I look forward to see a clear blue sea. I look up to see a massive tower that looked to reached beyond the clouds and up to the sky. 'I-Is this, what I think it is?!' I stand still and gawk at the supposed space elevator for a moment until distant booms break the silence.

I look away form the tower to see several trails of jet stream in and around the few clouds. There I could see explosions and black smoke. Dozens of fighter jets of different makes and models all flew in the sky as they shoot missiles at one another. 

I look over to my left to see a massive white aircraft falling down from the sky. It burned bright with fire along its massive wings and massive prop-engines. It crashed into the sea a moment later as dozens of small white aircraft all came crashing down or were shot down by the fighter jets. 

Armored Girls (Slice of life/Fate fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now