Act 7: Are All Red Heads This Dumb?

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Hehe, hero of justice, lol :P

. . .

"Ow" mumbling in a soft voice, Max could be seen laid down in a futon. His short, light blond hair was a mess as he begrudgingly opened his light blue eyes. With a blurry vision that quickly clears up after a few seconds, Max came to one quick conclusion as he stared up at the roof.

"This isn't my room, this isn't my bed, where the hell I'm-!" Suddenly remembering something, Max quickly threw off the covers and started to pat down his entire chest. Sweat and panic was all over his face as he tried to find anything still in his chest, or anything sticking out of it.

'Shit, I got stabbed!' Max continued to think over and over as he checked over himself until he realized something. "I'm . . . fine?" Confused and grateful that he isn't dead yet, taking a moment to claim his nerves, he sighs in relief for not finding anything that would have led to his death. Falling back into the futon, he stares at the unfamiliar ceiling for a moment.

"What the hell happened?" Max mumbled, slowly he turned his head to the side to see his uniform, or what's left of it, being hanged up with blood stains and a whole going straight through. "Well it wasn't a dream."

Sighing, he turns his head to the other side of the room to see some spare clothes. Relaxing his head again to just staring up, he sighs once before getting up. "Whelp, time to get some damn answers."

. . .

'Well, this certainly developed into something.' White thought mindlessly as she was seated on her knees, also seated on the other side of the kneeling table was Rin, the ever diligent magus, and the red head known as Shirou. The three could all be seen seated down in the living room of Shirou's house.

Right now, White could be seen resting her elbows on the table as she looked to the side with disinterest. Rin on the other hand was seen with her arms crossed as she looks down in deep thought. Shirou on the other hand was just sitting there with an awkward expression.

". . . S-so, umm, you're a mage too?" Shirou asked the silent Rin, who in turn just gave a side glance.

"Yeah and? Do you have anything productive to say besides stating the obvious?" Letting out a rather weak chuckle, Shirou started rubbing the back of his head as he looked away from Rin.

"No, not really, this was my first time getting involved with the supernatural though." Rin looked to Shirou with a raised brow.

"Seriously? Aren't you regularly fighting mages off one by one here in Japan? Last I heard, this place turned into a total war zone with no one getting any direct control of the whole of this island." Rin asked with genuine question as she looked to Shirou with confusion.

This also peaked White's interest to a degree as she gave a subtle glance toward the two magus. "W-well, not really, my old man is usually going out on business trips with the rest of the family. Something about making deals and stuff." Rin gave a short nod as she looked down to think.

". . . Your last name is Emiya, does your family hold any special traits?" Giving a sigh at Rin's words, Shirou crossed his arms.

"Not that I know of, I was adopted along time ago with my old man barely giving me any kind of instruction when he came to magecraft. Though, that or it could be because I'm just a 3rd rate magus." Rin gave an odd stare toward Shirou.

". . . A-are you serious? What could make you think of yourself as a-! Wait, do you have trouble activating your magic circuits?" Rin asked with a rather new interests as she started to inspect Shirou for a bit, much to the young man's embarrassment, though it was quickly ended when he started to give more information regarding his magecraft and how he activates it.

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