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Your pov

I shot up and then immediately felt pain shot threw my head i held it then the pain stoped i looked around  i also  heard a dagger bieng sharpened i looked over to it

"Good ye' awake"

Said a raspy voice i looked at the voice it was a man a man that people know all to well

Said a raspy voice i looked at the voice it was a man a man that people know all to well

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(Not mine)

Captain dark

"Whats with da' stare darlin' "

I glared at him making him smirk

"Ye' have a fire that i very much like"

I didn't look away i kept glaring at him

"Well other people would be looking at the ground scared  or they look up at me in fear but then again you are captains crows daughter"

My eyes widen in shock

"H-how did you kno-"

"Darlin' i know everything"

He said smirking he then walked over to a desk and purred him a drink

"I see ye' are pregnant,who is the lucky man?"

"None of your business"

He smiled obviously it was fake

"Now darlin' i did say i like your fire but ye' are gonna need to watch your pretty little tongue before i cut it!"

He said slamming his fist on a another table he then breathed in and out

"I lost me' cool for a minute sorry darlin' "

I looked down i then heard him walk over to the bedside

"Look at me"

I didn't move

"I said"

He then grabbed my face roughly

"Look at me!"

I tried to move my face out of his gribby hands but he held my face tightly

"Ye' are pretty won't mind seeing ye naked"

He said smirking i felt like throwing up

"Ye now i always wanted a baby"

I looked at him confused

"Well now i have one"

Hs said holding my baby bump making me become angry so i pushed him away and i got off the bed

"You are disgusting!"

He looked angry and also got off he walked over and slapped me i held my face shocked

"Next time darlin' do NOT ever push me away"

He then walked away leaving me in the room alone it made me happy that he left i then started to cry i miss jacob and maisie so much

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