chapter 8

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Your pov

We finally found shelter and it was raining i was with maisie then i heard jacob come back

"Get your strength"

He said throwing a fruit to maisie then me then he pulled out a fruit and cut it

"We're leaving in the morning"

He then cut open the fruit so did i and slurped it

"Me book says the beast used to come right up to shore that nowhere was safe i that true?"

She asked me and jacob we looked at eachother at her

"Of course it's true"

"You saw it?"

He then helped maisie with her fruit

"It was before my time but everyone knows it's true"

He said giving her one piece of the fruit

"What if them things ain't as bad as they say?i mean the sea is thier home we went after her didn't we?what if we just left 'em alone?"

"We kill them because they kill us do i need to remind you that one of them things took your parents?should they have just lfet the monsters alone?"

"I... don't know"

"Oh you are lost girl"

"Jacob leave the poor child alone she just young"

Hs sighed then walked away

"But her parents died heros"

"I want to believe that but maybe you can still be a hero and still be wrong"

"You're not making-"

Then we heard growling

"You're not making any sense"

"Why did red swallow us?"

"Oh red is it?"

"She not it"

I said to him he turned to me then maisie spoke up

"We think it's a she and we think she was protecting us from crow"

"you two are giving that beast way too much credit"

"He was pointing  a gun at you and he-"

"He was pointing it at you through me because you cut them lines"

"Jacob my father was killing our crew she had to"

I spoke standing up he looked at me

"Fine i don't want argue about this anyway cause i don't want to attract any of the multitude of monsters on this island that we wouldn't be on if she didn't cut them lines"

"So we're not arguing?so what are we doing?"

"Im going to gather supplies i'll take you to guelston and when me and y/n get back to the ship we'll finish what we started"

He then was avout to walk out but maisie spoke up

"Don't...get killed out there"

"I won't make any promises"


I spoke up he turned around


I demanded

"All right i promise"

He then walked out i looked at maisie i smiled then laid my gead down on the wall


Captain crow was angry that he let that thing take you and jacob and sarah tried to tell him that they can't stay here for long cus the ship was getting more water then he demanded that they sail to mulesh island

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