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Your pov

I noticed we were out of resources so i told jacob that we have to sail to and island and get some more resources i mean the resources you can't get on a island we can get food on this island but we need resources to cook so we got on the boat maisie decided to stay we protested but she insisted we finally agreed then me and jacob got on the boat and sailed to a island


We got out the boat and wlaked around a village to look for what i need jacob wanted to got cheek for some knife so he can cut some fish or use it for protection i nodded my head and kept doing my thing

I saw the stuff i need i walked over and looked threw it i found the thing i need i then felt someone tap my shoulder i turned around and saw a sailor he bowed to me

"Well hello there lass i saw you across the street and thought of how beautiful you are and when i look up close you look even more beautiful"

I smiled

"Oh thank you and you are?"

"Oh how rude of me my name is Jonathan snow and you fair maiden?"

"Y/n,y/n crow"

"Oh i see the daughter of captain crow"

I nodded my smiling

"Yeah well i best be going"

Before i could walk away he grabbed my arm and smirked i looked at him

"Can you please let me go?"

"Oh i am so sorry but im going to have to say no"

I glared but then Jonathan got turned around behind him was jacob Jonathan ripped his arm away

"How dare you touch me you twat"

"How dare you touch my lover"

He tightening his grib on Jonathan's shoulder


"Yes now beat it"

Jonathan ran away jacob walked over to me

"Are you alright?"

"Yea yea im fine let me just buy this did you get the knife?"

"No they didn't look that impressive"

I laughed lightly then i buyed the thing i came here for

"Okay Let's go"

I said grabbing his hands

"Were you jealous?"

I asked smirking

"You have no idea"

I laughed i heard him giggle oh i just love this man

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