the start (2)

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Your pov

Me and jacob were farming the plants we then heard maisie scream we looked at eachother then slowly walked over to maisie i held my baby bump we reached maisie and we saw a man facing the ocean

He turned around and took his hat off and bowed and stood back up and put his hat back on

"There is a dead sea beast on our shores"

I looked at jacob and he looked at me we then decided to go with the man when we made it to the island we saw a sea beast dead on the shore

We jumped off the boat i looked at the poor thing in saddness i walked over and put my hand on it's head and put my head on it's head

"Don't worry you're in a better place"

"Well we woke up and we saw it it had a spear on it's shoulder shoulder"

I heard them come closer

"Where is it now?"

He nodded to someone then ten minutes later they brought in a spear that had poison on the tip

"We should show father he might now"

Jacob nodded

"But we have to wait here we can't bring it to our island"

I nodded then the man spoke up

"You guys can stay here till he comes"

"Thank you sir"

Said jacob i looked at the sea and held my baby bump i looked at it and smiled i felt hands on mine i smiled and melted into the touch

"Can't wait for this little one"

Said jacob

"I agree"

I smiled

The Sea Beast x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now