chapter 7

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Your pov

I was panting i looked around but everything was black


I then saw saw i saw that holding jacobs arm i let it go blushing

"Did we just get eaten"

I asked

"Yep! But we are lucky that it didn't swallow"

I then heard growling

"Are we gonna die in here?"

Jacob lifted hand so maisie can climb off he sat down me sitting next to him


Then it growled again


"Is it gonna chew us,or will we get digested slowly with acids?"

"I don't know, maisie this is all new territory for me"

"Haven't you two hunted these things your whole life"

Me and jacob looked at each othe ba k at maisie

"We kill 'em lass we don't study 'em"

"I geus it's rime to start"

Said jacob looking at the beasts throat then he then put the rope on then he tied it around met hen jacob got of the boat

"Jacob,what if it swallows you?"

"Cut the rope"

He then walked away i looked down i then felt the rope tuck

"Come on get me back"

I said getting off the boat he bend down do maisiecould go on my back i felt her jump i stood up and made sure she is comfortable and started to follow the rope i then felt the rope pull me up i held maisie tight well her legs mostly she held my neck tightly

Then i climbed up and let maisie go we then followed the rope i then saw jacob i wlaked over to him maisie following we were now beside jacob i gasped as i saw how beautiful the ocean is then i felt the creature go up making us fall i then fell on top jacob then maisie on top of me jacob then stood up and took the spear i held tightly onto maisie then stood up

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna kill it"

"Kill it?how?"

"Well i don't know i just get pumped up and kind of wing it look i don't want to over think this,all right?im just gonna kill it"

"Like that's gonna work"

"I don't know about this"

"Im jacob holland remember,who killed five of them beasts in the span of two days and this is just another beast"

He said letting go of the spear

"Kacob before you do this you might not survive so i need to tell you someth-"

Befire i could say the beast sneezed and blew jacob away


I heard the red bluster growl i then saw jacob on a plam tree he looked at us then startes to climb

"Hold on lass and y/n"

Then the red bluster saw the rope and looked at it then pulled breaking the stick dragging me with i held onto maisie

I went reach jacob


He tried to grab me but sadly failed then me and maisie touched the beast lip then it grabbed my shoe i panted so did maisie it stared at us maisie and me made a long eye contact with the beast it had a softness in it's eyes i titled my head so did maisie and the red bluster

It growled softly i then saw jacob

"No wait jacob!"

He charged at the red bluster so i acted fast i slipped my shoe off then swinged away this made jacob fall into the sat with an oof

I screamed as i landed on the palm tree with maisie i saw jacob run to grab the spear

"Jacob no!"

Shouted maisie


I struggled to pull the rope off but maisie gave me her dagger i grabbed it thanking her i then tried to off my rope o saw the red bluster make a big wave i saw jacob fly i laughed at the sight then the red bluster walked away

"You could've killed us!"
Shouted maisie

"Wha...i could have you killed you two?"

He then climbed down the tree

"You got it backwards lass"

He said as i climbed down the tree maisie on my back i walked over putting maisie down

"I had dead to rights and you bollocksed it up"

"Dead to rights?"

I saw them to fighting so i walked away awkawrdly and went to the boat

"I must have been watching a different fight"

"Well you wouldn't have been fighting at all if you hadn't cut them lines"

"We cut them lines"

"No,you cut them lines"

"You didn't stop me,did ya?"

"That's not the same thing"

"Isn't it?"

She said holding his sword

"No it isn't"

He said holding my boot i walked over and grabbed it

"Will ye two stop fighting it's giving me a headache"

I said putting on my boot walking away

Then we heard a growling we looked around

"We best find shelter"

We then wlaked into the small jungle

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