Chapter 17

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My first week at home. I woke up, as the first sunlight of the morning streamed through the windows. It was my first day back at public school. I got dressed in a cute outfit, A black ruffled skirt, a lilac-coloured top and my white leather ballet flats. I showered quickly, making sure to lather my hair with my huckle-berry scented shampoo.

I'd still hasn't forgiven mom. She and tried many times to talk to me, but I ignore. I am riding with my old stable, Maple Day stables. Elle likes it there, It was where she spent 6 months of her life. I didn't. It was nice to see Ms.Briarwood again, but of course, I was taking lessons with the intermediate because they don't have an advanced team there.

I grabbed my backpack and cellphone and went downstairs. Mom handed me a plate full of pancakes. I halted and glared at her before taking the plate. I squirted an ample amount of maple syrup onto the pancakes before taking a big bite. After finishing the pancakes, Mom drove me to school. "Goodbye Sweetie. Have a good day." She said as I climbed out of the SUV. "Whatever. Have a good day." I replied coldly. It pained me to be so hateful towards my amazing mom but she needed to know that one way or another I was going back to Windsor preparatory.

I settled into my first class, Math. As the class started, Mrs.Halloway stood up from her desk. "Hello Class. We have new student today. Please kindly welcome back Eleanor Hastings." The class drew in gasps and snickered in my direction, probably thinking I got expelled from Windsor preparatory. I stood up. I told everybody loudly "I did not get expelled from Windsor, My dad died two weeks ago from lung cancer and My mom withdrew my scholarships, So I'm back here, But let this sink in, I'm here by force. I do not like this school, nor do I wish to continue my education further with this school." I sat back down and started copying down the math notes.

After school, Mom picked me up. "Eleanor! Mrs.Halloway called me about your outburst in math! You cannot go around doing that. You are no longer a student at Windsor! In sorry, but that's that way it is." Mom said firmly. "Whatever Gail." I replied tartly, calling her by her first name.

Mom huffed and drove away from the school. She dropped me off at the stable. "Love you. Have a good lesson." She said. "I hate you. Don't worry, I will have a good lesson cause it's two hours without seeing your ugly tear-stained face!" I yelled at her. As she pulled away, I could hear her crying.

Ok fine. Maybe I went to far that time, but she deserves it! I tacked up Elle and led her into the arena. "Hello Eleanor." Miss.Briarwood said cheerfully. "Hi." I replied solemnly. I mounted Elle quickly and trotted her around the small arena, compared to Windsor's arenas.

The other riders entered the arena. While they did their lesson, and learned new things, I simply got a review of everything I already knew.

After my lesson, I went back home. Once in the house, I ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door shut. I looked at a picture of Nicole,Paige and I riding bareback while doing a trail ride. I hugged the picture tightly and began to choke up as tears leaked from my eyes.

All through the night, there I was, hugging a picture and crying. One thought stayed in my head. One way or another, I would go back to Windsor.

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