Chapter 8

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My mouth fell open in shock. I quickly snapped it shut before I looked like a fish. I stuttered out my grateful words "T-thank y-you Mr.R-Rossi, I-I p-promise to work v-very hard." He smiled and said "Good. Lessons are 7 days a week, week days we practice before and after school at 6:00 to 7:30 am and 3:00 to 4:30 pm. Weekends we practice at 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. So I'll see you tomorrow for your first lesson!"

I nodded and got off Elle and lead her back to the stable. I danced around while wiping Elle's face gently.

Before I left, I kissed her and said "We made it Elle! We did it! " I left the stable but texted Paige and Nicole in our group chat.
<elliehastings: hey gys, whts up? Elle and I made it. Advanced team! Wht abt u???> Paige replied quickly <pagiers: coolio, c u at advanced team lesson tmrw, I'm on that team too!>

I smiled and put my phone away in my pocket, but took it out a second later because it dinged. <nicoleee: hihi, I'm on the intermediate team but whatever, hopefully, we all make it on the varsity team together.> I texted back <elliehastings: gr8, gtg!>

I put it in my pocket and jogged back to my dorm happily. Brittnay was there and she was perched on her bed, reading a magazine. "Hey girly! So, how was it?"

"Perfect! Elle was perfect and I couldn't ask for a better horse! Mr.Rossi placed me on the advanced team!" I grinned excitedly.

Brittnay grinned "That's amazing! Great job!"

I took a shower before dinner and put on some sweatpants that sagged in the butt a little bit. Brittnay sat in her desk, biting her nails. "Do you just want to order some pizza tonight? I don't want to go down to the cafeteria. Also, do you think one of these days you could teach me how to ride a horse?" She asked.

I nodded smiling "Sure! How about after my lesson on Saturday? And yeah, I'll call the slice." Brittnay started dialling the slice's number. "I'll call them, you go put a top on." She chuckled, nodding towards my bare chest; although I had a bra on.

The pizza came within half an hour. Brittnay order one extra-large cheese pizza with a two-litre Pepsi and garlic breadsticks.

The pizza was sooo good! Yummy!
Afterwards, We watched the Katy perry movie on Netflix. I set my alarm for 5 am before I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up, smiling as it was my first lesson at Windsor preparatory. I took a quick shower and sprayed some blue-berry scented perfume on my neck. I applied some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss.

I quietly grabbed my new chocolate coloured breeches and a lime green top. I slipped up on my leather riding boots and left the dorm after grabbing my cell.

I quickly tacked up Elle, although it was hard to see the girth in the little dawn light that streamed through the windows. I used Elle's new silver saddle pad. Her hooves made a clip clop sound on the cobblestone ground as we approached the outdoor arena. I shivered in the dawn coldness. I put on a hoodie and mounted Elle.

I rode into the outdoor arena and started warming up Elle's muscles. I saw Paige approach, riding max or also known as maximus spectaculas. A couple more people rode in and followed Paige and I in our warmup trot.

Mr.Rossi walked in and closed the outdoor arena gate. He stood in the middle and said loudly "Good morning riders! Welcome to Windsor's advanced riding team. Your first show is in 3 weeks at hunterwood nationals park. " I smiled nervously. Only 3 weeks till I would show with Windsor Preparatory.

"Alright! Do 5 laps at a sitting trot then move into a posting trot and do 5 more laps, then I want you to execute a flying lead change. Come to the centre at a walk afterwards please. Go!" He clapped his hands together.

I fell in behind Alyssa, a girl in grade 9. Elle listened perfectly and did the flying lead change flawlessly.

The lesson went by smoothly and when I got back to my dorm, I quickly got changed into leggings and a comfy sweater. I raced down to cafeteria, where I grabbed some eggs, toast and bacon. I ate breakfast and arrived early to my French class.

I left art building with a heavy backpack. It was after school and I had 10 minutes to get to the outdoor arena for my 2 lesson of the day. I quickly got dressed in riding gear and raced down to the stables. I didn't groom her, I had 5 minutes before the lesson started. I plopped on the heavy saddle and tightened the girth. I snapped on my helmet and led Elle quickly out of the stable and into the outdoor arena. I literally hopped into the saddle and started warming up 1 minute before the lesson started.

We worked on jumping without stirrups, which was really hard. I soaked in the tub for hours after I got back to my dorm to soothe my aching muscles. That night I fell asleep the minute my head touched the soft downy pillow.

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