Chapter 12

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A/N: Would guys rather less frequent, but longer updates or more frequent, shorter updates? Most of my chapters are ethier long or in the middle, but they take a while to write. Please comment or private message me your thoughts!
End of A/N


The junior/senior varsity riding team tryouts were upon us. I was nervous as heck for these tryouts. We would get the results after our show at the Olympic riding grounds. The semi-nationals wee coming soon and Mr.Rossi was stressed. At lessons, He was cranky and tired and would snap at any little mistake.

The tryouts were in two days and the show was in three or four days.

I picked Elle's hooves and quickly tacked her up. I arrived at the arena for our lesson a little late. Mr.Rossi stood, tapping his foot on the sand. "Everyone Dismount." He said, glaring at me. I swallowed and dismounted.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear about the new policy-" I shake my head, signalling I hadn't. He continued "The new policy is that if someone is late for a lesson, the who group will continue the lesson from the ground." He said, his voice thin, like ice. I nodded slowly, groaning a little. I couldn't keep up with Elle! She was pure thoroughbred!

Megan sent me a icy, cool glare. She pulled Aristocrat forward and whispered into my ear "Thanks so much. You should just go home now before you and your mutt embarrass yourselves even more!"

I nodded slightly, the hurtful words penetrating my thick skin. Aristocrat snorted and blew a breath in Elle's face as Megan tugged him fowards.

Mr.Rossi said calmly "Line up at the rail and start off at a trot. Do this until until I tell you to stop." I tugged on the reins and made a clicking noise with my tongue.

After a couple circles of the ring, My heels were beginning to sink into the sand and my calves were burning. I was starting to sweat. Elle was thoroughly enjoying this lesson, I think she might have a thing for Alyssa's gelding Ember Blaze. For the rest of the lesson, we worked on flatwork.

After that lesson, My calves were burning and my lungs were heaving for air. I was out of breath as I untacked Elle. I walked as fast as I could to my dorm, eager to take a hot,steaming shower.

I showered quickly and put my hair into a bun. I made sure my riding boots were polished and ready for testing tomorrow. I turned on the tv, and Brittnay and I watched a new chick flick. Livvie knocked on our door at 10:30 and said as she popped her head in the door "Girls, It's bedtime. Goodnight my lovely Windsor girls!" She closed the door once again. I smiled to myself. Livvie is the sweetest person ever. She always says that to us every night.

I'd like to be a dorm monitor at Windsor one day when I'm older if I can't make it as an equestrian in the Olympics.

"Goodnight Brittnay." I murmur as I close my eyes. "Goodnight Eleanor." Brittnay mumbled as she began to snore herself to sleep.

I settled my head on the soft, fleather stuffed pillow and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up at ten am. All the lessons had been cancelled because of tryouts and it was Saturday. Paige and I had planned a trail ride before the tryouts. I had some time before then, so I put my hair into a bun and got out my laptop. I turned on my laptop and opened up word. I settled into my desk's comfy chair and set up my font preferences.

I started my English paper on Shakespeare and his success. The words began to flow from my mind and onto the computer, my fingers typed away, getting faster each new scentence. I sat there for two hours until I had finished my thoughts. I checked the word count. It had to be between 1,000 to 5,000 words or 2-5 pages long.

The word count read 3,999 words. It was 4 1/2 pages long. I quickly saved my work and began shutting off my laptop.

Afterwards, I showered and straightened my hair. I got dressed in chocolate-coloured breeches and a white Mickey Mouse top. I pulled on my black leather ariat riding boots. My nails were painted sky blue. I applied lip balm to my dry lips.

I left the dorm and went to the stable. I groomed Elle quickly and smoothed her gold saddle pad onto her back. I placed the saddle onto her back and tightened the girth. I mounted her once we were outisde. Paige trotted over to us. "Hi El!" She said cheerfully, smiling at Elle. "Hey Paige, Ready to start our trail ride?" "Yep! Whisper was so fresh this morning as soon as I told her we were going on a trail ride." She said, patting whisper's flank.

Elle surged forward and She took off at a bouncy trot. I bounced up and down in the saddle. We found a trail and I said to Paige "Race you to the top?" I nodded to the looming hill above us.

Paige smiles and nods. Elle begins to tense underneath me as I yell "3...2...1...GO!" Elle takes off just as Whisper creates a cloud of dirt dust as she begins to gallop the pathway.

We catch up to Whisper, who's already half way up the hill. Neck in neck, we both surge fowards at break neck speed. A patch of sweat begins to form a dark wet patch on Elle's flanks. The finish line is 3 feet away, I squeeze her sides and give her more rein. I lean forward and Elle finds one last little bit of speed. She advances and begins to take longer strides. With the fast rhythm of her hoof beats, we cross the finish line. Paige waits for us across the finish line.

Paige smiles gleefully and says "I WIN!" I chuckle "Don't rub it in. Looks like an Arab x Dutch warm blood can beat a thoroughbred." Paige laughs and checks her watch quickly. "We should get back to the stable and cool our horses, it's almost time for tryouts."

"Do you want to walk back, on a scenic trail beside the hill?" I ask. Paige nods and says "We'll have to find some way to wipe the mud off their legs." The horses amble down the trail, taking their time. As soon as we get to the stable, I place Elle on cross ties. Paige clips Whisper on some cross-ties behind us. I pick her hooves to get rid of the stones she picked up while racing up that hill. I groom her again, and place a cool towel on her sweat spots to make them disappear. I put on her crisp, white saddle pad and place her half-pad ontop of it. I finally plop the English saddle ontop of her. After finishing with her, I polish her hooves and then stand back to admire my work. I hurriedly swipe the horse hair off my breeches and clip on my helmet. I mount, once we are outisde the arena.

Time for testing.

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