Adventures with Y/n!

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~~Y/n's adventures 1~~

(Let's pretend Hanako's actual boundary is like an apartment)


Hanako sits on the bed, watching his girlfriend pack. "So where are you going...?"

"Aoi's. We're having a sleepover."

Hanako narrows his eyes. "Oh yeah? And what will you be doing? Cheating on me with the kid, or talking about other boys behind my back?"

Y/n turns to him with a deadpan, sighs, and turns back to her bag while shaking her head. "No. One, it's a girl's night. No boys a loud, two. Yes, but Anime boys, (Maybe even girls~)." She smirks and zips up her bag, grabbing the strap. "Anyway, I'm off."

Hanako frowns as she kisses his cheek and turns to the door of their bedroom, walking down the hall. He stands up and runs after her. "Wait!"

She turns to him, and he kisses her lips. "On the cheek isn't good enough."

She giggles. "Okay. I love you, see you tomorrow. And don't eat all the donuts."

He nods. "Okay... See you..." He turns to the donuts on the kitchen counter as she closes the door behind her, making her way out.


"Hey Yashiro~!" Y/n greets one of her best friends, grinning.

Yashiro walks out of the door, closing it behind her. "Hi, Y/n. How you feeling about the sleepover?" They both turn and start walking.

"Extremely excited. I love Hanako, really much, but sometimes I need to hang with my friends, y'know?"

Yashiro nods with a smile. "Yeah, agreed."


Yashiro knocks on the door of Aoi's house. A few seconds go by, and the door opens revealing a smiling Aoi. "Hi girls! Come in~!"' They nod and step inside her house, looking around.

The purple haired girl leads the other two to her room, helping them get situated. They all then decided to play a few board games and rounds of Mario Kart(because yes) and watched movies while talking about what they talked about.

They also watched some horror movies, the only one not shaking afterward being Y/n. Let's say she was pretty chill. She got scared, but not that badly. The other two females, however, spent the rest of the night shaking.

They decided to go to watching anime after that, talking about what characters they thought were attractive, and saying whether they agree or not while also saying who they thought that would actually work with.

Meanwhile, Hanako's dying inside. He's pretty lonely. He played a few rounds of hanafuda with the Mokke, and sat in front of the TV, scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch. When he couldn't find anything, he loudly groaned.

"I'm so bored...!" He turns to the kitchen counter, holding the box of donuts. I know she said not to, but...

Back to the girls, Yashiro throws popcorn at the laughing Y/n and Aoi. "Guys, stopp!!"

"No, but why him of all characters?" Y/n asks through her laughter, wiping one of her tears with a large smile.

"Heheh, yeah. Why?" Aoi asks with a smaller smile, her laughter dying down.

Yashiro's face flushes and she looks away. "Because..." She looks back at the TV with sparkling eyes. "Just look at his beautiful face!" She gushes.

Y/n shakes her head. "Yeah, but, Yashiro..." She also looks at the TV. "His personality is complete shit."

Aoi nods in agreement. "I know, right?"

"But... Just look at him!! He's so pretty~~!!" She squeals, placing a hand on her mouth.

Y/n sighs. "Yashiro, you're a lost cause..." She trails off then smirks. "A lost daikon cause."

She stops her squealing and turns to her friend, throwing more popcorn at her. "Stop itt!! I'M NO DAIKONN!!" She yells. Y/n continues to laugh while getting practically beaten up by her best friend, Aoi trying to break it up.

Their night was full of laughter and jokes, some teasing and lots of games. They all had an amazing night. When morning came, they had pancakes and watched some more anime before the other two had to go.


Since Y/n said bye to Yashiro, she's been walking to the school. She opens the bathroom and enters Hanako's boundary, or their home only to be instantly tackled. "Y/NN!!" He exclaims, squeezing her and burying his face in her chest.

She blushes and lets out a small laugh, hugging him back. "Hi Hanako."

He looks up with exasperated tears in his eyes. "I've been so lonely since you've been gone... I was almost murdered by the Mokke, too!"

She looks over to see the Mokke holding all sorts of weapons, then putting them behind their backs and looking at her innocently.

She sighs and sits up, letting him go. "Sorry. But I had a lot of fun last night! Who knew sleepovers would be so fun!" She exclaims with a smile and sparkling eyes.

Hanako blushes and smiles, then remembers what she told him not to do. "....Um... Y/n?"

She blinks and looks at the (shorter/taller) male in front of her. "Yeah?"

"I kind of ate the donuts...."

She looks at the counter to see them all gone. "Hanako.."

"I'm sorry."

She then starts to laugh. "No, it's okay." She reassures. "I knew you would, anyway."

Hanako looks at her. "Really? So you aren't mad?"

"I'm a little upset, but..." she removes his hat from his head and ruffles his hair while smiling, a small blush visible on her cheeks. "I could never be mad at the love of my life~."

He blushes and leans into her touch with a smile.


872 words

3:22 PM 9/5/22

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