Fun and Games

54 3 0

~~Extra 5~~


Mine, and a strange girl and boy's exciting life. Typically, all we do is clean toilets. But, we don't only clean all the time. We do this sort of thingy on occasion. Yashiro decided to narrate in her head, for some unknown reason.

Hanako hands everyone in the room a card, and then shouts "Who's the king~?"

"Umm... What even is 'the game of kings'?" Kou asks.

"You're still an oblivious boy, kid... So for the sake of your future, I'll tell you." Hanako grins.

"You say that like he needs to know." Y/n deadpans. Hanako put a finger to her lips. "Shh. Because he does. But anyways, we have to prepare a 'king' card and number off other cards for the amount of players. Whoever pulls the king card chooses numbers on the cards and tells them what to do. It's more fun when alcohol's involved." Hanako explains. "And I'm the king~!"

Y/n grabs his wrist and pulls his hand off her mouth. "But, the ones we have are magical and come from the other side. So whatever the king says, it'll always become true."

Hanako nods. "For example, #3." Y/n looks at him and he smirks. "Sit on my lap for the rest of the game."

She obeys. "You pervert."

Hanako grins and rests his head on her shoulder. "You like it though. I know you do~." She blushes and looks away.

"I'm the king. The king wishes to get out of this game." Tsuchigomori states in a bored tone.

Hanako grins and shakes his head. "Nope!"

The teacher sighs. "Mm... Then #1."

Hanako looks up at him. "You won't give one of your former students any bad orders, right Mr. Tsuchigomori?" He asks with an innocent face.

"You wish." The ghostly females stifles a giggle.

"Let go of No. 0 and write kanji."

The apparition did what he was told, a miserable look on his face. "Why..."

"'Cuz I don't like it." The teacher replied.

Y/n watch him write. "He did always hate writing kanji..." She mumbles.

Then, the Mokke got the king card.

Yashiro smiles. I'm glad the Mokke got the card. Surely they'll give a cute order. "Maybe they'll ask for candy?" She asks aloud.

"Kill them all. We Mokke will become a mystery and rule the school!!" The Mokke orders darkly.

Hanako stops his writing and stares at the re sized peep. "That's not even an order."

Kou crouches down and looks at the ghostly male. "Even if it was..."

"You cute little demons." Y/n says, staring down at the rabbit while crossing her arms.

"Tch. Then give me candy." It says instead.

Yashiro deadpans with a hand on her heart. Mokke are cute, but really strange.

"So, the game of kings? Sound rather interesting."

They all look at the door, Hanako instantly getting up and pulling his girlfriend behind him. "OUT, OUT, OUT!" He exclaims at the older Minamoto.

"Minamoto~!!" Yashiro swoons.

Y/n hugs Hanako from behind.

"Hey! Don't treat my brother like a monster!" Kou tells the male spirit.

Hanako shivers while looking at the exorcist. He then turns to the teacher. "Tsuchigomori, do something!!"

Teru smirks and pulls out his phone, showing the spider-like apparition. "A staff member in the female bathroom? This'll be on the news by tomorrow."

"Please don't..."


Y/n squeezes him for a second, kind of calming him down.

They all decided to continue the game, except Hanako stayed attached to Y/n, eyeing the exorcist every once in a while.

I got it! I'm the king! I can get senpai to do all sorts of stuff now! Nnn... What was my beloved senpai's number... Yashiro thought. "I got it! #1! #1 has to kabedon the king and... AAAAAAAAA!!"

Hanako let go of Y/n a bit ago and helped the Mokke kabedon Yashiro. In a sexy voice, the rabbit told her: "I love you."

Yashiro turned to the side with her hands on her eyes. "Stop with the sexy voice..." She cried.

Y/n started laughing, and everyone else watched. Afterwards, Kou turned into the king. "Guess I'm the king." He spoke, then turned to his brother and friend. He noticed he could see their cards and grinned. "#4's gotta kabedon #1 and profess their love!!" I can make her happy with this!

Hanako picked up the Mokke and held it up to Yashiro. The Mokke repeats in its same voice from before: "I love you."

Kou mopes in the back. "I SAID THE WRONG ONES!"

"Ah, I'm the king." Teru announces. 

Both male apparitions move back from him. The 4 supernaturals in the room make signs and hold them up.

Hanako's: "Killing isn't allowed."

Tsuchigomori's: "Let's talk about this."

Mokke's: "Be nice."

Y/n's: "If you're gonna kill anyone, kill Tsuchigomori. He's the evil one."

Tsuchigomori stares at her. "Really?!"

"What?! You gave me the worst grades! Like that one time, I got a 8/10 but you still gave me a B! THAT'S UNFAIR!"

"I have rules! And it's your fault for making out with No. 7 instead of actually doing homework!"

Y/n gasps. "We've never made out--"

"But we can try~." Hanako smirks.

"I- Huh? NO--!"


Everyone goes silent.

"#1 and #4."

Both Hanako and Tsuchigomori freeze.

Y/n erases her sign and writes on it, holding it back up.

It reads: "You hurt my bby, I swear." She deadpans.

Hanako looks at her admirably. Well, he did. Until Teru declared a fight to the death for the three.

"HE DID COME TO KILL US!!" Hanako exclaims.

And thus, he went home. Including the other humans. The Mokke ran off somewhere, probably to steal something, the teacher went off to grade papers, and the ghostly teens were left alone.

"So..." Hanako starts, staring at the entrance of the bathroom before turning to the female. "You wanna make out, or...?"


He raises his eyebrows and his eyes widen, face slightly heating up. "Really?!"

Y/n smirks. "Nope." She responds, popping the 'p'.

"...Oh. I knew that..." He placed his hands in his pockets and silently moped.

"But I'm up for cuddles."

At that, he instantly turned around and jumped on top of her. The rest of the night was filled with them joking around, laughing and grinning like idiots.


971 words

6:21 PM 8/15/22

Oh god. I start school in 8 days. Definitely excited 😭😭💀💔(I'm gonna be so freaking lost...)

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