
115 1 14

Now, for the tribute interviews. Your interviewer is - drumroll, please - Sparkle 'Spark' Milena!

A little bit about him: Topaz eyes, dark crimson hair (signature style is the short quiff, image of it to the side), wears sparkly clothes consisting in reds, oranges, yellows and blacks. His skin is a milky colour and many have said that it glows. Spark is tall and lanky, towering over people that some have even asked him how the weather was up there. Despite his name, he's basically a friendly giant and gets on well with everyone; though, he puts on an act when he has to talk to the president, pretends to like him when his feelings towards him are the complete opposite. He's the happiest guy you'll ever meet...  The rest is up to you to create.


You walk out onto the stage and see Sparkle Milena, grinning at you, showing off his sparkling white teeth. He warmly greets you and shakes your hand, he guestires for you to sit on the pink loveseat provided. The stage is bathed in a pale orange light, red roses line it, hearts and all sorts of decorations are put up all around.


- Describe what you're wearing.

- Answer these questions (order does not have to be the same as written, here):

"How do you feel about being here?"

"What's the best thing that you've encountered in the Capitol so far?"

"What are your plans/strategies when you go into the arena?"

"How far do you hope to make it?"

"Do you have any friends, family, loved ones waiting for you at home?"

- You can add in extra questions.

- Entries must be sent through Messages (PM).

- Scores will be determined by character/personality, your answers and writing (e.g. punctuation, grammar).

Please note: Two female tributes will be eliminated.

** Due on Friday 1 March at 6.30 p.m. New Zealand time (GMT +12). Click on the external link for the time. If the task is not handed in on time, your tribute will recieve a 0, even if you have a valid reason. Some exceptions. **

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