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I can't believe what my eyes were seeing! Everywhere I turned- life surrounded me- green and colorful! The trees were vividly green and I couldn’t spot any dried leaves or broken branches. Every tree was vibrant. There were different kinds of trees and some I hadn't even seen in my whole life. The bird’s chirped while perched on the branches making a melody and they made a complete symphony. Wildflowers bloomed everywhere and the air was so fresh and cool, it felt like I had never really breathed in fresh air since I was born. The air was just different- new- and it energized my body in some sense and the scent of flowers engulfed me. This was paradise.

This was different from every forest I've ever seen. Everything here brought out a lively aura- full of life. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath taking this once in a lifetime chance to actually enjoy such good air.

"Refreshing, right?" Jesus murmured and only then did I remember that Jesus was actually with me in this paradise.

"Ahuh... Eden is so beautiful and so... let's say- unpolluted!" My eyes brightened immensely.

Jesus chuckled, "But this is not Eden!"

"But you said we were going to Eden?" My eyebrows raised in confusion.

"I did but actually we are just outside of Eden. Eden is right there!" Jesus nudged his head to the east side and so I turned to where he was pointing and then I saw another forest or garden not far away from us. My eyes bulged and my jaw dropped, amazed by the great difference I saw between the actual Eden and what I had thought was Eden. How can I say this? Eden was much much more vibrant and colorful. It was like an aurora of colors, intertwined with the trees that were also full of life. Different colors of birds flew to and fro and I could also hear different animal sounds, some of which I was not familiar with. I even saw trees with odd colors like purple hued trees and I just felt like I was in a different world. Then, I noticed standing at the entrance, was a man in a white robe who had wings but he appeared to be different from the angels I had seen before; there was also a flaming sword flashing back and forth.

"Who is that?" I asked as I pointed to the entrance of Eden.

"They are guarding Eden, so that no one might enter." Jesus explained calmly.


"Since the Tree of Life is there and it would be a big problem if any man could take a hold of it or eat from it."

"I think I know the story behind that, about Eve?"

"Oh, Eve and Adam, they really did exist!"

"So, it's not a myth?" I returned my gaze to Jesus.

"Everything is history!" Jesus paused for a minute, "They ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and so sin entered humanity. Now, man is bound for damnation." I furrowed my eyes as I was lost on what Jesus had just stated, and I think he noticed it because he sat on the grass and patted the empty spot next to him, gesturing that I should sit beside him. I slowly dropped to the ground and crouched beside him. He then gestured with his hand as if he was calling for someone. I turned to where the direction of his hand was pointing and then I saw a large creature, like a tiger, yet it had big fangs nearly extending to the ground and I remembered seeing this kind of creature in encyclopedias- it was a Sabertooth. Weren’t they extinct? Fear consumed my chest as the tiger then approached us slowly, purring like a cat as it swayed its tail. Jesus then patted the Sabertooth and I was amazed that it behaved like any domestic dog or cat- tamed.

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