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Two days had passed and I could still feel the stinging pain throughout my back, but something more agonizing kept bothering me. I opened the drawer of my table and pulled out the family picture Belial had left for me to see. When we were in Pampanga, I could barely glance at the picture- I couldn’t believe it was... real. Now, I felt uneasy just staring at it because I just couldn’t stop staring. I was hoping that at any second the picture would alter... change to some other family. I wasn't sure if everything Belial said about Grace was true but I could feel my hatred slowly attack my perfect image of her.

Flashbacks of the past quickly hit me as if everything had just happened yesterday.

Everything was so clear.

My mother was crying- sobbing desperately- inside her room, while I was just stood outside her bedroom door- pitying her. I looked down and from my perspective; I could see my siblings waiting in the dining room for our mother to join us. The deafening silence of our house had become normal- even my younger siblings wouldn’t dare joke around- not a peep was heard. They only surreptitiously glanced at the empty chairs- my father’s and mother’s. I sighed as I turned back to my mother’s door, ready to knock, but I knew from the bottom of my heart that nothing would ever be the same. 

I glanced down, and I noticed my hands had tightened on the picture as I reminisced over the past. I felt lost and it pained me to think back on how my mother had become after my dad’s death. She changed- when we most needed her. I shook my head sadly when Adie came in and snatched the picture away from my hands, which made me flinch.

"So you’re still thinking that Belial is telling the truth?" Adie smirked as he inspected the photo.

"I don't know but what if it’s true?"

"Then, what do you think you might do?"

"Nothing.” But that was a lie and I confessed, “I don't want to see her for now."

"... You're not dating or in a relationship, so I guess it's okay." Adie shrugged trying to help me see the bright side of the situation- but there wasn’t one.

"I guess so..."

"But honestly you need to talk to her and find out if it’s the truth." Adie gently placed the photo on top of the table, sliding it towards me.

"You think so?"

"I don't trust Belial at all. I think you better get the facts straight, but prepare yourself before going to Grace." Adie was right. I could not trust Belial- he was a demon after all.

"I'll think about it."

"But wasn't the surname of the investor Perez?" I raised my head, in gesture for Adie to elaborate on what he just stated. Indeed it was Perez and not Chan...

"So what do you want to imply Adie?"

"Well, I know that Grace’s surname is not Perez... I don't know." Adie nudge his shoulder in possibility.

After a minute of silence, Adie broke it, "Jake, I haven't asked you yet but did your fate change when you did your penitence? We were not able to look at the book with Belial showing up." Adie changed the subject and I realized Adie was right! I never had the chance to take a peek at the book since my mind was troubled these past two days. I opened the drawer of my desk and reached out for the book, placing it on top of my table. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting much- my hope that something had changed was low and I turned to the last page without any thrill. Like I expected, it was still the same. I left the book open for a while as I stared at it gloomily. Though, if there was a good thing in this situation, it was that I wasn't disappointed at all.

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