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"Me?" I asked Gabriel pointing at my face, shock clearly evident in my voice. I slowly turned my head towards Belial who was currently feeling the books that were displayed on the bookshelves. His fingers splayed over one by one as he whistled a very familiar tune- maybe a song by Frank Sinatra I thought.

"Hey!” Adie confidently took a step forward, “Why do you want Jake dead?" Adie boldly asked Belial and as I stared at Adie, he really didn’t seem afraid at all. I didn't know if he got it in his head when Gabriel told us that this guy in the black suit was actually a demon.

"Are you talking to me?" replied back Belial smiling gently at Adie after letting his hand drop from the shelves. On the other hand, Adie became silent for a while- maybe because one couldn't be angry with someone who could stare at you so kindly.

Adie looked down for a moment before staring at Belial in the eyes,"Ye-yes, I'm talking to you!" Adie replied in a rush as he had recovered his firm composure.

"Hmm...let me see? Why is it again?" Belial cocked an eyebrow as he pretended not knowing the answer to Adie's question.

"Why you!" shouted Adie at Belial as he raised his left arm, fisting his hand in the direction of Belial. However, before Adie could even approach the fallen angel, Belial swayed his arm up while flames engulfed his hand forming some kind of figure. We were all taken aback as we witnessed the embers of fire form into a gun. Adie wasn’t stupid enough to get any closer to Belial.

The weapon was black in color and had some etchings on its side, like an ancient text or something completely unknown to me, and the inscription glowed like coals. I could feel my heart beat faster as the tension grew thick enough to choke me at the bookstore. I started to shake as beads of sweat started to fall from my forehead. I now knew that this guy wasn't joking and was ready enough to pull the trigger at any unexpected second.

"Hey Belial! You are not allowed to do that." Gabriel pitched in as he also stretched out his arm while a bright light glowed from his hand. By the time the light faded, Gabriel now held a crystal gun with blue inscriptions on the side that also glowed. Relief washed over me seeing Gabriel ready to defend us. All the fear I felt gradually eased away as I took in how serious Gabriel stared at Belial.

"Pfft." Belial lowered his hand and as he brought it down the gun deformed itself into flickers of flame and later there was no more.

"You are not welcome here anyway." continued Gabriel, and after assessing Belial a while longer, he also lowered his hand. The gun appeared with the flashing of light and also disappeared the same way.

"I know. I was just curious of who exactly is my next victim." Belial shrugged one shoulder as he gave me swift glance.

"You’re a really hard worker then!" Gabriel replied sarcastically, and I think he struggled not to roll his eyes at Belial.

"At least I'm doing a more interesting job than what you're doing right now." smirking, Belial tried to irritate Gabriel.

"So, you want something interesting huh?" Gabriel insisted with a snarky reply, which would only lead to a fight between the two.

"No, not interested! Well... I think I don't have any reason to stay here any longer. I just wanted to give my greetings to this poor guy!" Belial nonchalantly pointed at me without breaking eye contact with Gabriel. From my observation, the tension between the two would erupt any second.

"Well goodbye then!" Belial bid his farewell and finally gave me a stare- this time it wasn’t gentle but one that scared the wits out of me. Belial elegantly snapped his fingers and his whole body were instantly engulfed in red flames, starting from the bottom going up. As soon as the flames disappeared, so was he. I couldn't paint how I looked when I saw him disappear magically. I just thought that I was in the middle of something unbelievable. If I told anyone about any of this, then they would throw me into the psychiatric ward! Luckily, I had Adie by my side. I was quite relieved that someone had my back in such strange, and awful, circumstance.

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