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I was comforted by the warm and genuine hug Adie is giving me. I still couldn't believe that I was indeed going to Hell but Adie's presence helped for I now knew he would be with me as I struggled with a new challenge.

The door suddenly opened and Miss Lim entered. She was staring at her phone, which she often used to store details of my appointments.

"Sir, you have a meeting today with the representatives of Genius Telecommunications at -" she raised her head and looked surprised when she saw Adie and me.

"I-I'm sorry sir if I have disturbed you with something- please continue what you are doing." Her face shone with embarrassment and averted her gaze to the floor. She was about to turn back and go out the door when I came to realize that Adie and I were in a very awkward position.

"Wa-wait!" Adie and I shouted at Miss Lim at the same time. We instantly broke free from our hugging as we knew that Miss Lim thought that there was something romantic going on between Adie and me.

"Mi-Miss Lim, well you seemed to misunderstand us." Defended Adie as he approached Miss Lim, trying to clear away what she just saw.

"Miss Lim Adie is right! We're not gay- you know; I'm straight!" I was so flustered; I could barely finish my sentence.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding, sir." Miss Lim bowed her head.

"Wa-wait, so you really did think that we were gay?" Adie opposed, almost horrified about the idea that Miss Lim, the woman he likes, thought that.

"Well, you couldn't blame me Sir Adie. You seem to like swimsuits and it's either you're a pervert or gay and from what I saw right now I thought you were actually gay." Admitted MIss Lim in a rush to explain herself.

"Wh-what so you thought I'm a pervert or-or gay?!" Adie's world seemed to collapse as he learned that Miss Lim actually mistook him for being a pervert or homosexual.

"I'm sorry again, sir." apologized Miss Lim, a light blush gracing her cheeks.

"Wait, how about Jake? What do you think about him?" Adie questioned Miss Lim.

"Sir Jake? I certainly believe that he's straight!" she confessed loudly and almost too quickly.

"Hey! Why do you think he’s straight and that I wasn’t? It's unfair!" Adie protested indignantly.

"Miss Lim, we understand and accept your apology. We will surely attend the meeting today with Genius Telecommunications. You can now go." I cut through the discussion as I held Adie's shoulder and shook my head to tell him to stop already in his insistent muttering.

"Thank you sir! The meeting is booked at Shangri la Hotel at twelve o'clock sir." Miss Lim then bowed her head again and exited the room.

"Hey! Why did she mistake me for a gay when she truly believed that you’re straight?" questioned Adie as soon as Miss Lim left the office.

"You're asking me? That's what you get with your swimsuit invitation! You really don't know how weird you can be." I sighed as I thought how hard it was to point something so obvious to Adie.

"Yes I'm weird and you're not! Fine, I get it!" Adie sarcastically agreed with me.

"Well, we need to go to the meeting at lunch but can you still accompany me after that?" I tried to change the topic because I was getting a little irritated about Adie's hysterical protests.

"Where will we go after that? The more they see us together the more they will doubt our sexuality, you know!" replied Adie as he seemed to be affected still with Miss Lim mistaking him as a homosexual.

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