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"I need a hobby," Lou told Rune, looking up at him over her book.

"Reading is a hobby," he said, still looking at his screen.

"But it's my only one. I can't read all of the time."

"What about drawing?"

Lou scoffed. "You thought my flowers were scribbles."

"I thought you were testing the pen colors," Rune teased, finally looking up at her. "You'd get better with practice."

"Maybe I should get a job."

He frowned. "No."

"I want to have a little money, Rune," she said. "I want to be able to do something meaningful."

"I understand, " he said, and he did. Wanting to be independent was a good thing, and some space between them would be a good thing, too. He just wanted to bubble wrap her, that's all.

"I could start my own business like you," she dropped her book, going over to his desk.

"You can do whatever your heart desires, Lulu," he said sincerely. "And I will be more than happy to help you with whatever you need."

Lou smiled, leaning down to give him a kiss.

"Can we go to the library later?" she asked.

"Sure, honey. I think I'm about finished here anyway."


"Rune," Lou laughed softly. "I swear-"

"You swear what," Rune said, still chasing her lips as she tried to turn away.

"We're in the library."

"Who says I can't kiss you in the library? " Rune grips her chin, turning her face back towards him. It was nearly impossible for her to resist his sweet kisses.

"There could be people," she protested, barely getting out the words as his lips stayed on hers. "or cameras."


Lou gave another gentle laugh, successfully getting away from his magnetic hold.

"I am trying to find books so that I have something to do so I won't bother you," she said, pulling the book she had come to the library for off of the shelf.

Lou let out a startled noise as she was spun around. Rune held her close, his arms around her tightly.

"You are not and never will be a bother, Lou. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but-"

"No buts," Rune said. "You are important to me, and so is everything you say, think and feel. I'd do anything for you."

Lou felt her cheeks heat up. She rested her head on his chest. He kissed her forehead.

When she pulled away, a book on the top shelf caught her eye.

"Can you grab that book for me please? The one with the shiny cover?"

He didn't even have to stretch to reach it, handing it to her. She dropped it into her bag.

He gave her an odd look. "You're not even going to see what it's about?"

Lou shrugged. "I read so much if I get too particular I would never find anything I want."

"It's a little strange," Rune said, lightly teasing.

"Just like you," she teased back, earning a firm swat on her butt.

Rune took her bag from her, patiently following her through the different floors of the library.


Lou turned to the next page of the chapter, startling when Rune made an obnoxious sigh next to her. It was late and they were getting ready to go to bed.

"What was that?" she giggled.

"Are you going to read all night or give me attention?" Rune asked, taking her book gently from her.

"You just had to ask if you want some kisses," she said, taking the book back so she could mark her place. She placed it on her nightstand.

She turned to rest on his chest and he pulled the soft duvet over them.

He gathered her hair away from her neck, running his hand along her back.

"How are you feeling, Lulu?" he asked.

She took a moment to answer. "I am happy. Some days are hard, but when I'm with you, I am okay."

"And sleep?"

She gave a gentle sigh of contentment, feeling herself starting to doze off. "I might have a bad dream or two, but nothing like the nightmares before."

Rune kissed her forehead.

"Are you happy, Rune?" she whispered.

"The happiest I have ever been, princess. I've never felt this way in my entire life."

"Felt like what?"

There were so many things Rune felt when he was around Lou. He felt content, and safe, like he didn't have to be the scary leader everyone else expected from him. He felt like his life finally had meaning, that he would never have to be alone again.


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