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Rune gave the poor unsuspecting man a hard punch to the face, striking his nose hard enough that his neck snapped back. The man in the chair grunted, straightening his shoulders.

Rune paused, speaking low and dark. "You've been playing a dangerous game. You didn't believe the others when they told you I would find you?"

"Like I gave a fuck. I had a mission to complete." The man spat blood onto the grimy concrete. "Everyone knows you're going soft anyway. You're nothing like your father."

Rune smirked, taking great pride in the fact that he was nothing like the man who raised him.

"He was my uncle, actually." Rune's uncle was a disgusting human, using women like garbage, and drugs like his life depended on it. He did some corrupt shit, and Rune wanted to have no part of that. "And if you think I'm soft, you should know that I killed him in that very chair you're tied to."

The man paled, the loss of color contrasting against the blood that left his nose.

"I can show you how I did it too, if you'd like."

The man stammered something, and Rune picked up a knife.

Blue, his second in command, who was watching patiently, tapped his wrist.

Rune sighed a bit dramatically. "It looks like it's your lucky day. You get to deal with Blue instead of me."

Blue was a sadistic, massive dude that almost towered over Rune. Blue enjoyed these interrogations way more than he did.

Rune had some other work to do. When he wasn't saving the horrible world from horrible people, he also ran a legitimate business as an investor.

He left the warehouse. His driver was waiting for him on the curb, and Rune climbed into the car.

"To the office," Rune told him as he emptied his pockets of his knives and untucking the gun he had on his waist. He left them on the seat, feeling much lighter.

It was already afternoon, and he still needed to do a full days worth of work.

It wasn't like he had anyone waiting for him at home, but he wouldn't mind catching a few extra hours of sleep for once. Rune had been running on four hours way too long. He needed a break.

His business was a good size, worth a couple million dollars. He had an excellent staff that made everything run smoothly. He expected only the best.

His office overlooked the city. He loved the view through the floor to ceiling windows. It made him feel on top of the world.

He got right to work. His assistant had scheduled several meetings, and he had a lot to prepare for before then.


Rune was in the middle of a meeting when Blue called him. He knew he wouldn't call unless there was some kind of emergency.

"What?" Rune hissed, leaving the meeting room and stepping into the hall.

"There's a problem, boss," Blue said. "I got some more information from that guy and he has a whole crew staked out down the block. He even spoke of having some girls down there."

Rune felt red, hot anger course through his veins, along with a headache that was trying to pound through his fucking skull. He hated people, especially people that hurt other people. While that may seem hypocritical, Rune only hurt those who truly deserved it. 

Anyone who kidnapped girls to use as slaves deserved losing a few fingers, or worse.

"Fine," Rune said. "Take the crew and go down there. I will meet you there when I wrap up this meeting."

Blue grunted and hung up.

It took another hour to get through the meeting, but Rune wasn't worried about his crew. They could handle their own. He was just annoyed that he was going to get further behind on his work, and that meant he would have to come back to the office on the weekend. So much for sleeping.

Rune was on his way to the location when Blue called again.

"There's a girl here that refuses to go anywhere," Blue said, sounding heavily annoyed. "I have the men that were here waiting for you."

"Good. Pick up the girl and do something with her. Find out where she came from."

Blue scoffed, "I don't touch girls, boss. Besides, every time we step close, she screams."

Rune heard commotion behind him, and a few gunshots before the line went dead.

"Step on it," he ordered his driver, tucking his weapons back into his suit pockets and getting ready to jump out of the car. 

As soon as he stepped out, one of his other men rushed forward.

"It was an ambush," he gasped, sucking in a deep breath. "There were more men waiting for us to let our guard down."

"Who's hurt?" Rune asked, following him to the dingy building.

"Just Blue," he said.

Rune caught sight of Blue who had a man up against the wall by his throat. He had blood dripping from his arm, but he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"He was the one who shot at us," Blue grinned, looking eager for a fight as he always did.

"Alright. Let him go before you kill him. We need his information," Rune said. "Go get your arm checked out."

"What about the girl?" Blue asked, gesturing to the girl who was huddled in the corner.

Rune gave an annoyed sigh, going towards her.

Blue stopped him. "She'll scream nonstop if you get too close. She was louder than those goddamn gunshots  She just about blew out my eardrums."

"She can scream all she wants. I won't leave her in here for another gang to come scoop up. Now go," Rune pointed to the door. "You're getting your fucking blood everywhere."


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