Chapter 19

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"Go down the other side of the hallway, Jenn." Zak said."Aaron stand right there in the hallway."
"Do you want to do something to me?" I said to the ghost. "Here I am. If your behind me do something."
"Did you like pushing that girl?" Aaron asked. He checked his digital recorder and made a worried face. "Oh men."
"What's wrong?"I asked Aaron.
"A creepy voice said 'ready or not... here I come...'." Aaron responded scared.
On the other cameras in the main hospital we caught an unexplained male voice. Then at 29 minutes we captured an orbe.Then where the chair was, we captured a white mist going down the hall... We headed back to the hospital to see if we can find more paranormal activities.
-3:32 am-
"Hey guys you cannot see two inches infront of your face." Zak said trying to look in the dark. He has a point is to dark.
"Watch does screen guys tell me if something moves."Zak said."What was that I heard like a type of moan. Who was that?"


"Did you maked that noise?" I asked.
-minutes passed-
"Hey Jenn come here."Zak said.
"You think you up to go down over the hallway."
"Yes no problem" I said and he gave me a kiss in the forehead.
"Nick go back to the other sideway. And Aaron go that way. Were splitting up because sometimes the spirits will get intimidated if we are grouped together. Imma let them choose who they want to contact at, okay?"
"Was that you Zak?" Nick asked.
"No what?"
"That growl."
When we reviewed it sounded like a sick person breathing to an oxygen mask.
"Is this what you wanted. Us being split up?" Zak asked. "Come out and dont be scared. Come out and touch one of us. Now!"
"Wow Omg!! No. No. No. No. No." I said.
" What happened Jenn?" asked Zak.
" It felt like someone jumped behind me guys." We discovered that a voice got caught in my camera's microphone it sounded like a loud scream and an unexplained noise.
"Stay Jenn Imma go check." Zak said.
"Theres no fuking way I'm staying here." I said.
"Where you in a gang here in East Angeles? What year did you die in this hospital? Nick go in that surgical sweep." Zak said.
And Nick did as he said.
"If you're in here come out and touch one of us." Zak said again.
"Is there a little girl in here?" Nick asked. He received an unexplained high pitch voice and a breath in his digital recorder."What was that?!"
"If you where the little girl please try to talk to Nick again, sweetie." I said trying not to scare the little girl. "Little girl are you here?"
" Ahhh!! Aah!! Omg!!! " Nick started screaming.
" What? What?" We all tried to asked Nick what happened.
"I just saw a fuking figure standing infront of my face!" Nick said frightened."I almost had a heart attack men."
"Well I'm about to have one." Zak said.
We tried reviewing the video again but it freezes in a second and that's not normal in our cameras. Is like the little girl or who ever it was freezed it, because it happened also in my camera and Aaron's.
"Let me talk to her just calm down for a second." Zak told Nick.
We captured a disembodied voice in Zaks digital recorder. It sounded like it said 'thank you'.
"Dont be afraid of us? " I said sliding Zaks digital recorder down where Nick saw that girl.
"Listen were getting excited in here. But you got to understand alot of people dont believe that you exist. Something happened after you died. You're showing us that something did... Let me just try one more thing." Zak explained what he was going to do to the camera and the ghost. He got another equipment where the ghost can communicate by touching the device.
"Did we just see you?" Zak asked.
" Yeah you did." the ghost said threw the device.
"What are you trying to tell us?"
"Leave... "
"Why do you want us to leave?"
"Yup it's said Dead" I said.
We left a camera rolling in the room where Nick saw the girl and headed to get our equipment and we captured a voice that sounded like a patient saying 'Don't leave me'. Was this the figure Nick saw?
Poor Nick...


Love yall cx

-steffy :)

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