Chapter 12

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-5 years later-
Today is my big day. I took a look at my long white dress in the mirror. Aaron's girlfriend did my makeup and Nick's wife did my hair.
"Are you rea-" Aaron was talking until he saw me and looked at me head to toe, his jaw fell in an instance.
"Oh my God Jenn you look so beautiful!"
"Can I see?" Zak's voice could be heard down the hallway.
"NNoo!!!" everyone yelled at Zak.
"Men." he said and started heading the opposite direction of the room I was.
"It's bad luck Zak." Aaron's girlfriend, Heather said.
"Alright I'll see you at church." He said whining.
   Today is my wedding with Zak. Yes! I know. Aahhh!!! Im fan girling right now! I love him so much. We are gonna take a break from the show because of our honeymoon. Zak really wants to see me in my wedding dress, but he has to wait. Heather gives me the roses and tells me is time.My heart started racing like a little kid chasing an ice cream truck. Veronique (Nick's wife) and Heather gave me a big hug and gave me a comfortable smile that calmed my nerves a little. Aaron was ready with his tuxedo and took me to the door.
"You ready?" Aaron asked while Heather fixed his tie.
"Ready". I took his arm and walked down the church.
Everyone turned around and looked at me in surprise and at the end where the pastor was there was Zak with his mouth open. His reaction reminded me when he entered my room in the hotel and I told him about my little ghost when I was little. But this reaction had more love added to it. When I arrived where Zak was, my heart calmed down a bit, it was like it was saying "everything will be alright."
"You look so beautiful." Zak told me in a whispered and took my hand.
We listened to the pastors words. Until he came to the point of the 'I do's .
"I do." Zak said.
Now it was my turn. Jenn this is your time dont spoil it, i thought to myself. Minutes passed and the pastor finished my part.
"I do." I said.
Nick and Veronique brought the rings. Zak put one in my finger and I put his in his finger.
"You may kiss the bride." The pastor told Zak.
Zak put his hands around my waist and I put my arms around his neck while trying not to hit him with the roses and kissed him. All we could hear was everyone cheering and clapping. This is the best day of my life!
Awww... Finally jeesh! ... Too much?
What did you guys think of the wedding?


Smile your beautiful in your own way! :)

-steffy cx

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