Chapter 17

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-Almost till lockdown-
We put our X's . And discussed what we are going to do.
"Okay our first X is over at the first floor hallway this is where they say that a chair moves by itself." Zak says but gets interrupted by a scream.
"Wow did you just hear a scream?" Aaron said.
"Sshh shh" Zak said shushing Aaron.
"It came down that hallway babe." I said pointing the camera towards the hallway.
Zak got up and went towards the hallway.
"Is somebody out here?" Zak asked to whoever screamed."Are you in pain?"
"You guys heard that right?" Aaron asked me and Nick.
We nodded.
"Were gonna hear this all night, phew. Let's continue shall we..." Zak said. "The second X is in the basement hallway where there are boilers. Where they actually cremate the bodies. And we saw the bodies ashes and earlier I found a tooth in those ashes. The next X, the old more where the guy got touched by someone that touched him."
"Nah shit Sherlock." I said in a whisper.
Zak looked up at me and let out a small laugh.
"The next X" he continued. " is the surgical sweep thats where Cristen and Layla heard that little girl humming and saw a dark figure standing infront of them.And thats where we experienced all those crazy things earlier.And also getting that EVP of the little girl." he took a big breath. " And the last two cameras will be in the first floor hallways thats where Becky and Joe saw two apparitions and they said one was very evil." He said and flipped to the next page.
"The next 2 Xs will be in the mental hospital in the second floor hallway where the guy said that a lot of paranormal things had happened in the second floor.And uh, the next X is in the mental hospital in room 323 where that lady got scratch in the back and got pushed out of the room."
"It pushed her like this." Aaron said demonstrating.
"Exactly, now for the next X, is in the other second floor hallway where this guy saw a head popped out at the door in one of those rooms. With that said lets turn off the lights and begin our investigation." Zak said and turned off the lights.
"Finally." I said getting ready.
Yes I follow what they say on the episodes... It's pretty hard do you guys want it like that or my own way of twisting things up?? ... Let me know..


Love yall :*

-steffy cx

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