62- Angel of demons (mature content)

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( Ralph P.O.V. )

A few hours earlier

Gripping the remote control in my hand, I could feel a fire of raw rage building within me. My eyes glued on the projector screen which currently was broadcasting my absolute worst nightmare.

My blood simmered at the sight of his filthy hand roaming her half-naked body. Eventually, found its way beneath the hem of her top. He took the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't distracted by her beauty, nor her flawless complexion. There wasn't a single ounce of excitement within me.

In fact, I felt an invisible sharp knife stabbing right in the middle of my chest and suddenly, it was hard to breath. When a soft moan involuntarily escaped her lips as he unclipped her bra and took her nipple into his mouth, I lost it and knocked the projector right off the table. It landed on the ground, crashing into tiny pieces mimicking my heart.

I cursed under my breath, raking my hand through my disheveled hair.

Among a thousand schemes of retribution which had circled their way across my mind, I reached my hand into my pants pocket and fished out my phone. I checked the last message Jonathan had sent me. The message contained hours-long video file, Alonso's current address and a phone number.

Not giving it a second thought, I tapped on the number and began typing the message.


Looking thoughtfully into the distance, I took a sip from my glass of red wine before settled it back down on the coffee table. I leaned back on the couch, switching my crossed legs as the familiar sound of the bell chimed and echoed throughout the first floor of my penthouse.

I got up. A malicious smirk tucked the corner of my lip. A few guards were trailing right behind me as I headed for the door.

When the elevator whirred in the shaft, signaling an arrival, my eyebrows knit and my jaw jutting upon catching an unfamiliar deep voice annouced.

"Aurora, are you alright?"

My gaze snapped to the origin of the unreserved tone.

He's just one of the bellboys.

Immediately, the guy tucked his hand back from reaching out after he lifted his glance to meet mine.

"What's your name?" I asked. Not caring how many people were standing there, witnessing such an embarrassing and disrespecting scene.

Out of the corner of my left eye, I spotted a figure.

I couldn't get a good look at her face as she had her head ducking low but had no trouble recognizing who it was.

"Brian, sir." The bellboy replied, drawing yet another shaky breath. His hands now bind together behind his back as they should, "Brian Waltz."

"Brian Waltz." I repeated, nodding promptly, "You're fired."

"What?!" A voice interrupted and automatically, my eyes went to her, "Ralph, you cannot just—"

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