61- No pain, no gain

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( Aurora P.O.V. )

8 P.M.

The digital clock on the coffee table read.

I tightened my grip around the hot mug, hoping its warmth would calm me down but it ended up only adding fire to my already-blazing soul. The whole apartment was dead quiet. The only noise there was— it came from the master bedroom.

Since I got back from the hospital, more like got kicked out of the hospital, I came straight back home. Seeking comfort and for the thousandth time had my story, since day one to the last day I ran from them all drafted in my head. From one point to another, every events had been broken down, making it easier to understand and conceive in a short time.

I wanted to tell Ace everything tonight. My story. My sickness. The causes of my misery. Them.

But seeing the state he was in right when I set foot in his apartment, my problem suddenly felt much simpler and much, much smaller compare to this crisis he was facing.

"Father, I swear on my life it wasn't mine!" I heard yelling. Barely recognized it. His voice was so hoarse and thick with anger. Ace had been shouting into his phone for some times now, and it seemed he would never stop.

I had to close my eyes for a moment. Pretended that I was somewhere else. Far, far away from witnessing the love of my life suffering, and I couldn't do anything to take away his pain. Not even share it.

My eyes flickered open when I heard the door slammed shut and felt the weight on the couch shifted. I know it was him. I recognized his strong cologne. If used to comfort me. Now, it just made me sad that I wished he smell like someone else.

Someone else I should hate.

Startled, I hadn't realized I had been touching my lips, day-dreaming about another man, when I looked to my right and saw my boyfriend looking at me strangely.

My heart and stomach clenched at once.


"What's wrong?" Despite how exhausted and troubled he looked, he didn't fail to notice something off about me.

"Nothing." I lied, "What's up with you?"

Ace shook his head, not buying my words. He scooted closer.

"Have you been crying?" His hand reached out to feel my warm, swollen cheeks.

"No." I lied again, "I'm okay, Ace. Please. Let's talk about you."

His glance soften and his tone faltered, "Baby.."

I swallowed, painfully. The size of your problem is nothing compare to his, Aurora. Snap out of it.

"I'm fine." I forced a smile.

"Stop lying to me." He scolded.

"I am not." Please just drop it. Let it go.

Ace shot me a strange look.

"Seriously, Ace." I assured, "I'm fine."

He heavily sighed, "But you don't look so."

"Then, stop looking." I snapped, realizing it might sound rude to him with the tone I used, I quickly apologized, "I am sorry." What's wrong with you, Aurora. Get yourself together. It's just a damn kiss.

Ace looked stunned a little, but brushed it off with a deep, understanding sigh.

"It's fine." His hand came down to caress my thigh. He gave it a firm squeeze, calming me down a little, "How about I go run you a bath, so you can freshen up a little?"

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