58- Begin again (mature content)

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Building after building, I managed to sit through a fifty minutes car ride from the airport to Ace's new resident, doing nothing else but staring out the window.

The closer we got to the city, the more miserable I became. Even with Ace sitting by my side, still, I found it hard to breath.

My hands folded in my lap as the car pulled up in front of a huge gated entrance.

The gates flew open and slowly, we drove straight through. Basing off of the view outside my window, I was convinced this place we had entered is an apartment complex.

White buildings were arranged in a square with a spacious yard in the middle of them. I looked around and saw a couple sitting on a bench, a boy walking his dog and little girls running around, chasing birds.

I heard Ace sigh from his seat.

"I miss the twin." He said and I turned to look at him.

Placing my hand gently on top of his, I caressed his hand.

"You'll get to see them soon." I said and he happily nodded.

Eventually, our car parked in front of a bland, modern building, no more than ten storeys high and our driver quickly got out.

Stepping out of the car, I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder. I walked around to the back to help Ace and our driver who were retrieving the suitcases from the trunk. I was no help. Ace ended up carrying half of my stuffs and the rest the bellboy got it covered.

As we approached the building, Ace took me in his arms and I clung to him like a lost child. I felt safe walking next to him. But the truth is, we can't always walk next to each other. There would be time that Ace has to leave for work, or I have to run an errand, or go to the store. We have to be separated eventually, and the idea of roaming around New York City all by myself scared me shitless.

Standing in the middle of what appeared to be a reasonable-sized apartment for two people, my eyes did a quick review of the living room. Besides the outdated ornaments on the coffee table and the strange vibe the apartment gave off, the rest I could live with.

"Look, I know this isn't perfect."

Turning around, I stared at Ace, confused.

"It was so last minute, and I didn't want to rush into buying something because I had to." He said, "We'll only stay here temporarily. Until, you find an apartment you'd like to move in.."

My brows rose.


He smiled as he slipped his arms around my waist.

"You're the one buying the apartment." I countered, "Shouldn't you be the one making such a choice?"

He shook his head, "Anywhere is fine with me, as long as I'm with you."

I tried but couldn't refrain my lips from smiling. A wave of heat crept up my face, and I was sure that it had turned crimson.

"You're so cute." I threw my arms around his neck, standing on my tip-toes.

When we kissed each other, every time felt like the first time. Ace is always so gentle. He would kiss me and mean it that I am the love of his life, but at the same time his body language screamed I respect you.

Normally, I'm not so much of an outspoken person but his love draw me to say.

"I love you, Ace." I murmured against his lips and he pulled away.

Nose to nose, he whispered on a soft sigh.

"And I love you more."


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