51- Taken

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I was sitting in the backseat of a jet-black SUV, fumbling over the fabric of my dress when a deep voice announced.

"We've arrived, Miss." Felix, also known as Ace's personal chauffeur said as the vehicle cautiously decelerated and came to a stop, parking alongside all the other fancy sport cars in the VIP parking area.

I gulped heavily. You got this, Aurora. A voice in my head cheered.

When the car door on my side was suddenly jerked open, I almost let out a shriek. An unsettling feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I looked up to see Felix staring down at me, concern written all over his wrinkled face.

"Are you alright, Miss?"

In response to his polite inquiry, I merely nodded.

Standing aside while holding the car door open for me, Felix offered me his arm for support as I stepped off the car. I grabbed reality when a cool breeze embraced me.

"Thank you."

Felix bobbed his head in acknowledgment.

"Enjoy your evening, Miss." He wished before he slow-walked around the front of the car and hop into the driver's seat.

Everything happened so fast. I didn't have the time to process the busy scene in front of me, nor to collect myself. The next thing I knew, my legs were bringing me toward the direction which everyone else seemed to be heading towards. I tried my best to appear confident as I walked. I could feel eyes on me but decided to ignore them all. The only thing I should let myself care about tonight is Ace. His validation is my main priority and the only reason I had thought of attending this party at the first place. If I messed up my performance tonight and failed to be that perfect girlfriend he had told everyone else I was, I couldn't imagine the outcome. I knew I was overthinking, and that Ace most definitely didn't care of what others had to say about me. He likes me from who I am.

However, I still felt the need to prove myself. Not even to him. But to myself.

Stepping out of my comfort zone for once in a very long time, I did it for him. I didn't realize how deep and hard I was falling until his approval became the only thing I craved and thought about. It's great because those haunting nightmare had lessened in process. I thought of them less and thought of him more. My life, overall, had been taking a turn for the better and I couldn't be any happier. Tonight just felt like another big step I challenged myself to take. I prayed that everything would be alright.

Once I found myself standing in front of the main entrance, the thud-thump of my racing heartbeat was all I could hear. Familiar faces were the next things I saw. Yet, with them around, I still felt the most uncomfortable I had ever been.

"Astrid?" Chris was the first to recognize me and his eyes did a double-take, sending chill down my spine. Quinn then turned his head slightly to check, but then he proceeded to look me full in the face after catching a glimpse.

"Hey." I waved back and as I was about to approach them, a huge man, very guard like, I mean I supposed that what he was, stepped in the way. His bulk blocked my view.

"Miss Astrid?" It wasn't entirely his fault, but I cringed at the way he, so respectfully addressed me. I refocused my attention and responded to his question in almost the same stiff manner.

"Yes." I nodded.

In a very robot-like tone, he spoke, "My name is Hunter. I'll be your personal security guard for tonight. This way, please, Miss."

Letting Hunter's introduction speech sink in, I allowed myself a moment of hesitation. Do I recognize him? Hardly. And, I tended to overthink a lot. Especially, when it comes to trusting a man. Not to mention looking as frightening as Hunter does. I had developed severe trust issue and it doesn't matter if a guy is trying to flirt with me or not, I just felt uncomfortable believing their words anyhow.

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