43- Falling

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"Come in."

The unfamiliar voice urged as I pushed the heavy door open and stepped inside. My eyes firstly fell upon the dark wood expensive-looking furniture situated in the center of the spacious room. With a touch of unaffordable luxury and a vintage vibe to it, the room reeked of masculinity and money. A little flashback on my part and I forced myself to snap out of it.

Get it together, Aurora.

"Quinn told me.." I gulped as Mr. Alonso nodded his head, knowingly before he motioning me into one of the two chairs facing his desk. His shoulders squared as he leaned back in his leather rolling chair, twirling a pen in one hand and staring unwaveringly at me.

For the first time I got to be so close to him. And by so close, I meant breathing the same air in the same room. I had never looked him directly in the eyes. Never got the chance to. Never tried to. I found Mr. Alonso intimidating, yet surprisingly, with just the two of us in the room, I wasn't fazed.

"Have a seat, Astrid." Mr. Alonso said and my eyebrows furrowed. Was that sarcasm dripping from his tone?, "Or, is it Aurora?"

My eyes widened and my blood ran cold.

A brief silence passed between us where I stood uncomfortably in front of him. I felt exposed as his sharp glance studied me from head to toe. That look. I had seen it before.

I could feel both of my feet at work as I slowly moved across the room to sit down.

"I'm not going to ask why. Yet." He said, deliberately. His eyes narrowed at me , "But one thing you should know about me, Aurora, is that I don't associate with liars."

Although my heart stopped beating completely when Mr. Alonso opened his mouth once again to speak, I tried to sit still.

He didn't sound enthusiastic, "Would you rather take your chance and explain yourself, or do you prefer to have me question you?"

"I changed my name, sir. That's all." I explained.

"Why?" Was his exact comment. There was an untrusting look in his eyes. His attitude toward me was clearly negative, but judging from his outer look, he appeared polite and curious.

"I mean, one can change their name, can't one, sir?"

My heart clenched when he lightly chuckled. Even while laughing, he still looked no less intimidating.

"Don't test me, kid." He warned. His tone changed so suddenly. I was startled.

"I'm sorry."

"To answer your question." He stated, "Yes. As far as I'm concerned, anyone could change their own name. It's not forbidden. But in your case, which I'm primarily interested in, I couldn't help but wonder. Was an attempt to change the name of yourself to hide a checkered past, escape a significant debt, or to combat boredom?"

"I do not like my old name, sir." I lied.

"Simple as that?" He hummed and I nodded.

"Simple as that." I confirmed, looking down at my trembling hands in my lap briefly. Too anxious to meet his eyes, "May I be excused now?"

As he continued staring at me in silence, I decided not to move. He's my boss after all, and if anything, I wouldn't want to defy him. Throughout the past six months, believe it or not, the man had been more than patience and generous with me. He had given me chances after chances. Expressed his concern by offering me another position on the upper floor. Less human-contacts. Less ill-mannered men.

"How're you feeling tonight?"

For the first time since I stepped into his office, I dared to look him directly in the face. The way his mood shifted so abruptly had me doubting his intellect.

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