42- The only way

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       172 Madison Avenue, New York
Tuesday, 2nd November

( Rafael P.O.V. )

There was a part of me that wanted to believe it was all a dream. Though, I clearly remembered every day since she left. Every hours. Every minutes. Every seconds. Each breath increased the agony, that even the knowledge of her death, at this point, would be much preferred. But with the letter in my hand—as we have found, seen, read and held in possession as the one and only evidence to trace, unfortunately the statements written on this piece of paper had suggested otherwise

To Monster,
I fucking hate you. I could never love you.
It's over between us.
- Aurora.

Three simple sentences with no hidden meaning. Thinking of her had become a frequent task when my brain just couldn't give up. Every morning, I died again. Every night, my mind forced me to remain awake and occupied itself with the idea of her.

She left us.

In our brightest day, she chose to run away. Brought with her not only the expensive jewelry I had bought her as a gift— a symbol of my passionate love and true affection, but also, she stole my life, my heart and my will to see tomorrow. She took them all and there was no point of return from where the situation had held us.

To say we were upset doesn't even begin to cover it. We made mistakes, faced failures on a daily basis. We knew that even the greatest minds made errors sometime. Yet, with Aurora. Losing her felt like the dumbest mistake the three of us had ever made.

We were blinded. Truly deceived by her submission that we overlooked the fact that she was only human. She's a smart girl and it seemed we had pushed her pass her limit. It was simple as that. Genuinely, she always wanted to run away and this time, she finally succeeded.

After so many tries, I wasn't sure whether or not we should be proud of her. But I knew she must be proud of herself. Discovering the way to escape her tormentors. I bet she is all smiling, dawdling and enjoying her freedom now. I wish I could say that she should. Because this happiness won't hang around for long. But this time, somehow, it felt as if it will.

When the door to my office was slammed shut, I slipped the sheet of paper in my hand underneath a pile of documents lying around on my desk. I looked up. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Tell your father-in-law he needs a new chief division counsel." Cruz huffed, stepping through the doorway.

"What happened?" I asked, knowingly. Staring into his fierce eyes, I sighed, "What the hell did you do, Cruz?"

"Thompson said something. I didn't like it. I shot him." He admitted.

"You what?"

"He fucking said she's dead, Ralph." Cruz snarled, taking a firm big step forward, running his hair through his hair, "I just lost it, okay?" No shit.

Shaking my head, I leaned back in my rolling chair. If I didn't have the reason to divorce Joanna now, she should have one by the end of today.

Throughout the past few months, with every power, every connection and every help from everywhere, we made every possible effort to locate her. Cruz had gone out of his way, out of his mind, trying to find a clue. Anything that would lead us to our girl. He was amazed. Aurora left nothing behind. It was as if her existence was a firework. It sparkled for a mere moment and left no trace behind. There was no person. No body. Nothing.

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