Aha so 0. 0

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Heyooooo, sorry to say but I've decided to discontinue this book! Or at least this version of it, anyways. If you're in my present that's why there were three updates before this one, those were the last drafts I did before I quit writing.

And why? I honestly can't say for sure. I think it was a mix of motivation loss, and I didn't really like the style I was writing with, and the way the plot went just didn't seem like it was going anywhere to me. The romance was going too fast yet too slow at the same time. All the side-characters felt a lot like cardboard cutouts rather than actual people. Even though I watched a lot of Tommy's videos in the past (don't get me wrong, I'm still a big fan, I just don't watch him as often anymore), I couldn't get his personality down. This was my early days of trying to write romance, so I guess it makes sense I wasn't too good at it.

I want to try and rewrite this in the future when I have my characters more put together, but for now any future revisions of Breaking Time will probably be radio silent while I suffer through my English class.

I hate English.

So I hope you enjoyed this fic, even though it was very garbage dump-y and a really bad first time at romance, and hopefully I'll see y'all in the future :D

Bye. o/

(ps. By the way, I am writing a Tommy-centric vigilante fic (with hopefully a different twist than usual Tommy vigilante fics), so if I get far enough in that it may show up on Wattpad)

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