Chapter Seven - Compliments from the Stars

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"You're really nice to listen to," Tommy said on call. Oh, I didn't expect him to say that. I thought he was annoyed by my little rant.

"You're nice to listen to, too," Y/N replied.

"I should've believed you the first time we talked. I honestly don't know how you could make this up. It's so specific."

"It's specific because it's real," Y/N said. "And it's the same for me! What you say seems so wacky and untrue but it's the truth."

"How do you know it's the truth?" Tommy questioned.

"I can just tell. And you promised me you were telling the truth about living in the future. No one goes back on a promise." Liar.

Shh. I'm talking to someone.

"No one goes back on a promise," Tommy repeated in a vague tone. "Where did you say you worked again?"

"Minute Mart," Y/N said. Why does he want to know where I work?

"Gotcha!" Tommy shouted after a minute of silence. They jumped.


"I found you! There's a website for Minute Mart, and I found the old employees section!"

"Oh wow! I knew we had a website but I didn't know it would last so long or be so useful! So you see me then?" Y/N asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" He stayed silent another second. I wonder what he's doing. "You're really pretty Y/N."

Oh. Y/N felt their cheeks heating up and screwed up their eyes to make it go away.

"I am?" they asked. Well there goes my uninterested tone. Thanks brain, you're the best, I love you so much, you're awesome...

"Sorry, I don't know why I said that," Tommy said quickly. "I wasn't - "

"Did you mean it?" Y/N asked. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes -

"I did," he answered, voice wavering. Y/N smiled a bit and then stopped. Nope. I am not going to get a crush on a boy who lives after I'm dead, a boy who is probably born after I'm dead. Not happening. It would never work. Nope.

But that was cute.

"Then thank you," Y/N said. Their smile came back. Oh I give up. I can smile this time but after that I'm done. Okay? Okay. Good. Cool. "I have no idea what you look like but I'm sure you're really pretty too." There was a noise at the other end - was that a gasp? He didn't respond. Y/N let the silence ring for a few minutes but then got worried. "Tommy?"

"Hmm? Uh hUh?" His voice cracked. Y/N laughed. "Hey no that didn't happen! I didn't voice crack I did not voice crack that did not happen you heard nothing because I didn't voice crack!"

"Tommy, slow down! What are you talking about?"

"What?" he asked, his voice extremely confused.

"What voice crack?" Y/N asked innocently.

"Oh - OHHH! Yeah, what voice crack! I don't know what you mean!" Y/N looked at the time while he talked. 17:23 already? Have me and him really been talking for close to an hour?

"We've been talking for almost an hour," Y/N told him.

"Really? No we haven't! Oh my f!cking god we have, how have we talked that long?"

I know how.


"Do you want to hang up?" He didn't answer. He's been going quiet like that a lot. "Tommy?"

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