𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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"Let me in, c'mon..." bucky knocks idly on Vedas apartment door at 7am this morning. After the stunt she pulled last night he hasn't been able to sleep, between the anger and the worry, he didn't know what was keeping him up the most. He sighs and lets himself in when she doesn't answer like usual, "we gotta' figure something out..." he soon cuts himself off when he notices how unusually clean her apartment is. There's no trash, no clothes, and no technology laying around. On top of that, it's eerily silent...

He takes in the unfamiliar cleanliness and frowns, noticing her bedroom door fully open, and her bed untouched. His eyes quickly fall to the table on his left, where a file, her phone and a note sit in the middle. He picks up the note, 'Thanks for everything, buck' his stomach clenches at the words. What has she done? He looks down and picks up her phone, noticing that she has taken the memory card out so he can't view anything. He sits down as he flicks the file open. On the first page is a middle aged man, possible closer to sixty, with grey hair and fair skin. His complexions similar to Vedas. Below his image is a name, Anthony scout. Bucky looks up, "what're you doing, V?" He grabs the file and pulls his phone out, calling the only person he can rely on right now.


On the other hand, half way across the ocean, Veda is sat in a tiny aeroplane seat, on a cheap flight she begged someone at the airport to take her on, whilst she pictures what Germany will look like. She knows bucky will have found the items she left him by now, and he's probably calling Sam whilst freaking out. He might even be on his way to Germany to try and stop her already, who knows? But she didn't want bucky to catch her leaving this morning, not after last night... Although, she was mainly acting last night. She wasn't that drunk, she was simply buying herself more time, but she needed bucky to have a reason to find the file this morning. Just in case things go really south, then he would be able to help as a last resort...


"Just so you know, I only called you because this has something to do with V. I'm still pissed that you handed the shield over" Bucky walks away from Sam before he can even reach him. Sam rolls his eyes, "when are you gonna drop that?" He sighs and catches up with bucky. The pair share a moment of silence for a second, "are you gonna explain why I had to catch a flight at nine this morning? Or are we just gonna' walk?" Sam shakes his head. Bucky sighs, "Veda went after her past, she left a file and her phone on the table this morning. I checked her place, it's empty. She's gone" he looks at Sam. Sam shakes his head, "She's a big girl now. She doesn't need you to tell her what to do, I'm sure she can handle it herself" he looks around the busy airport.

"She's not in a good place, Sam. Her head isn't screwed on straight. She's just... really not in a good place right now, and she won't be able to handle whatever it is she thinks she's walking into" bucky stops to explain to Sam. Sam looks around, "I thought she was doing good?" He raises an eyebrow. Bucky nods, "was being the key word" he walks away, leaving Sam to follow him outside. Sam sighs, "fine, okay? Fine. I'll help you, but only because it's Veda" he shakes his head. Bucky nods, "that's all I'm asking" he slides into the car waiting for them.


At around 2:45pm, Veda finally arrives at the huge disclosed location, and inside of this huge mansion lives her father. The man she's here to see. She wastes no time in walking down the abnormally large drive way, shoving her hands inside of her pockets having fetched zero luggage on the trip.

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