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Part 3

*five years since the snap*

"What about you? Where are you now?" Natasha takes a double glance as Rhodey remains on the call, his hologram casted in the living room of the compound. Rhodey sighs, "the Mexican border, there was a hit on a cartel location. When we got there everyone was dead. I'm certain it's Barton, and he's gonna strike again. It'll be much bigger next time, blood everywhere, but part of me doesn't even wanna find him" he shakes his head. Natasha nods, "find his location for me" she sighs. Rhodey shoots her a glare, "please Rhodey" she begs. He nods, "okay" and pauses before backing away, his line quickly disconnects.

Natasha sits back and buries her face in her hands, a few tears escaping her eyes, "I would offer to cook you dinner, but you already seem miserable" a voice snaps her out of thought. Nat slowly pulls her hands away from her face after composing herself, "what're you doing here?" She rests her head back on her chair. Steve steps forward to take a seat, "just here to see a friend" he places his jacket down. Nat sighs, "if you're gonna tell me to look on the bright side, I'm gonna throw a peanut butter sandwich at your head" she smiled weakly. Steve shakes his head, "can't help it" he watches as she hands him half of her sandwich.

"Where's V?" He looks around. Now that Bruce doesn't live at the compound, it must be even more chaotic with Veda running around in all her glory. Nat shakes her head, "she went out for a drive, said she wanted to clear her head" she taps the table. Steve sighs, "she alright?" He frowns. Nat nods, "it's today" she smiles sadly. Steve shakes his head, "what's today?" He enquires. Nat rubs the back of her neck, "the date she got her mind back" she tilts her head. Steve frowns, "poor kid" he looks around, hoping she comes home soon, he hasn't seen her in a few months.


Veda found herself sat in her car, in the garage, just thinking about what she's been doing for the past year. As an eighteen year old, she felt like she needed to set goals, maybe something she could achieve. She still hasn't came to terms with the vanishing, but she's working on it, however she still thinks of ways she could bring bucky back on the daily. She shakes her head and gets out of the car, heading upstairs to see Nat after spending an hour driving around New York.

For the past year, she's been searching endlessly, searching for answers. Anything to just figure out who she is. She sighs as she enters the living room, "Steve" she hugs cap and closes her eyes for a second. Steve smiles, "hey kiddo" he ruffles her hair up. She chuckles and sits down, not really paying attention to what the pair are talking about. She turns around to watch the security cams, hoping to find entertainment somewhere. She sits up and leans forward when she sees a van pulling up to the gates. When a person gets out and starts yelling at the cams she hits the button to put the sound on, standing up in the process, "uh... guys. Who's that lunatic?" She speaks up.

"Is that a recording?" Steve stands up, "no, no that's currently happening..." Nat stands up too. Veda watches in confusion, "I'm not sure if you guys remember me, uh, we met a few years ago...?" The man yells as he waved his hand. Nat runs out of the room, "oh my god..." she hits the gate button, Steve follows suit as Veda remains still, not sure as to who the hell this man is.

"Are you okay, Scott?" Steve speaks up as Scott paces back and forward. Scott nods, "yeah, uh yeah... oh, is that anyones sandwich? I'm starving" he walks over to the table and grabs nats sandwich. Veda steps forward, "wait, so you got stuck in space?" She furrows her brows. Scott shakes his head, "not really..." he takes a deep breath, "five years ago, I was floating into the quantum realm. But then thanos, or that guy, snapped his fingers and my..." he trails off, "well my uh... my- the person who was supposed to pull me out, vanished. I got stuck there until today, when I was spat out of my van in a storage facility" he rambles on.

"Oh I'm sorry, that must've been a long five years for you" nat folds her arms. Scott shakes his head, "that's the thing, it should've been, but it wasn't. To you its felt like five years, but to me it felt like five hours" he looks at the three in confusion. Steve folds his arms, "that's impossible" he shakes his head. Veda sits down on the table and crosses her legs, "time doesn't work as it should in the quantum realm. Which has got me thinking... what if we could go back in time, to before thanos snapped his fingers, back to when all the stones were in their original place? We fetch them back to the compound and create our own snap, we could bring everyone back..." he takes a deep breath.

Vedas ears open fully, her eyes lighting up, which doesn't go unnoticed by Nat, "like a time machine?" Steve enquires. Scott scoffs a laugh, "noooo, not a time machine... actually yeah, exactly like a time machine. But it's impossible..." he waves his hand. Steve shakes his head, "maybe it isn't, I know someone who might be able to help" he turns to look at Nat. By now Vedas ears had shut down, all she needed to hear was bring everyone back and she was in, this could work...


"No, absolutely not. Are you crazy?" Tony sits down after handing Scott a glass of chocolate milk. Steve shakes his head, "look, we know you have a lot to lose. Your kid, your wife, and this house. But there's a lot of people out there, if not everyone, that has lost at least somebody in their lives" he sighs. Tony nods, "I do have a lot to lose, and I would like to keep my family and this house safe. But a time machine? That's stupid" he shrugs. Scott sighs, "okay, we understand it sounds ridiculous..." he begins, "absolutely ridiculous, in fact I think you're all going crazy" Tony nods as Morgan runs onto the porch.

"Mommy said to come and rescue you" she jumps onto Tony's lap. Tony nods, "consider me rescued" he shrugs. Steve smiles weakly as Veda sits down, "we could go back in time, grab the stones, and snap our fingers. Everyone comes home..." Scott nods. Tony shakes his head, "I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that, but I don't want anything to do with this. I have my life just the way I want it, right here" he stands up, "look, dinners set for six..." he begins, "we get it, you don't wanna lose what you have. We get it" Steve nods. Tony begins walking to his door, "if you're not gonna talk gaga, you can stay for lunch" he leaves them standing on the porch.

"What now?" Veda hops into the back seat next to Scott. Nat sighs, "there's one last person who might be able to shed some light" she shoots Steve a knowing glare. Scott looks down, "oh wow, another avenger with a metal arm. That's cool..." he looks down at the kids arm. Veda sighs, "thanks" she looks out of the window blankly.

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