Her Hormonal needs

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After the last encounter. Nicki decided to give Beyoncé the space she needed.

No bugging her about letting her 'explain' nothing. No 📳 calls no messages. Just total silence from Nicki. Not that it was easy for her to accomplish, but she did her best to stay away and keep herself busy.

Meanwhile, it was getting on Beyonce's nerves to experience that silence. Between that and her hormones and morning sicknesses...? She was losing her mind.

She was over the first trimester of her pregnancy and into four months. She needed support. And mostly emotional support.

A couple of weeks later
In Nicki's office.

"Bey, what are you doing here?" Nicki stood up, she looked surprised to see her.
"Hey! I have a companion you might wanna sit for this" Beyoncé said.

"Come on in." She told her companion. Her lawyer walked in.

Nicki started sweating. Her heart was pounding, the last thing she ever wanted was to lose her baby forever.

"Bey please don't do this" She lamented.
"Nika sit, please. and breathe" Beyoncé said.

"I can't breathe!" Nicki lamented. She was shaking.

Beyoncé walked closer and held her. "Breathe sweetie!"

Nicki forced air out of her body.
She sat down. Beyoncé walked around the table and sat on the chair.

"This is my lawyer." She introduced and slide the contract he handed to her towards Nicki.

"And what is this?" Nicki asked

"Contract. Which States that. This baby is mine as much as it is yours. Nika, I know you are blood-related to the baby and I'm not. But she is growing inside me and I love it, him or her. The baby is mine too. I just want to make sure you don't take that away from me once the baby is born. I want to be a mother too. I don't want us to fight I want us to co-parent. I'm asking, I'm begging you not to fight me on this"
Beyoncé said. Nicki was already reading the contract.

"You can take that to your lawyers if you need to. As long as you don't destroy it. Cause this means the world to me. The baby is my world Nika. She changed my life"

"I can relate to that." Nicki signed.

"I don't want to take the baby away from you Bey. And I don't want you to do that to me. So yes! We can co-parent. When the baby is born we can get two nannies who are willing to go back and forth. From your house to mine. I'm all in. As long as you in with me" Nicki added

"I am. And I like that nanny idea thing too. Look, I know our relationship is lifeless. But I need us to agree on this. And team up and be badass parents. For our baby!" Beyoncé said.

Nicki nodded.

"I will let you know when our next appointment is so that you can come with me. I will send it on your phone later."

"I will love that very much. Thank you"

"See you soon," Beyonce said and walked out. Nicki smiled. "Yes!" she murmured excitedly.

"Good for you..." Jasmine's voice came through. Nicki lifted her eyes.
"I thought you two broke up?" She said.

"We did. But we are also pregnant. So we have a baby coming!" Nicki said. Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"She just gonna forgive you and let you in her life even after everything she found out? She must really be stupid. Gosh, or she loves you. That kind of love... She should know, that it is dangerous. I Don't get it though. How is she loving you now? I don't get it. It's kinda funny if you think about it. Cause..."
She started laughing hysterically...

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